The warm summer breeze ruffled her hair and the faint
sounds of music came from the ballroom as she stood on
the balcony overlooking the magnificent grounds of the
manor house. No matter how far she came in life, no
matter how much recognition or rewards she seemed to
gain, at these types of formal functions she still found
herself... "Bored?"
The voice startled her and she whirled to see who was
finishing her thoughts. He stood quite near, all 6'1" of
him, his brown eyes wrinkling into his smile. He was
holding out a glass of champagne.
"I saw you sneak out here. It's a beautiful night, and
an even more beautiful view, don't you think?"
She nodded in agreement, more than a little annoyed at
his sudden intrusion, and then turned away from him
again to resume her quiet reverie.
He had seen her alright. He'd been watching her all
night. The way she moved through throngs of people. The
way she carried herself: her dress, her hair - perfect.
The fact that she wasn't waiflike attracted him even
further - he liked the idea of having something to hold
on to.
His eyes drank in her every move, and he had to
concentrate at times to keep his body from overreacting
and betraying his thoughts to everyone in the room. He
knew he wanted her but he just wasn't sure how much
until he saw her there, leaning against the granite of
the balcony, in the soft bluish moonlight. Her beautiful
shoulders were framed perfectly by the dress she'd
It was all he could do not to walk up to her right then
and there and begin to nibble on them. Her graceful neck
and perfect earlobes beckoned him as well. In the subtle
nighttime glow, he could see the softness of her
flawless skin and smell her perfume wafting in the air
around him. It nearly made him weak with wanton desire.
"I'm sorry, did you say something?" she had turned to
look at him - her blue eyes burning into his very flesh,
one eyebrow raised in curiosity.
He realized, then, he had been sort of groaning under
his breath while watching her lean against the balcony
rail - watching the Ruebenesque roundness of her
buttocks press against the softness of her dress and her
heavy breasts strain for release from their bondage. He
quickly stuttered a "N-n-no," as he held the glass of
champagne out to her once again, and this time she took
it from him, her hand grazing his lightly and causing
him to stir in his tuxedo pants.
"Thank you," she said, and turned back to the view.
He cleared his throat, and, almost like a teenager
asking his father for the first time to barrow the
family car, he stammered, "I've been watching you all
night, and there is one thing I've been dying to ask
"Okay," she responded, turning seductively toward him,
carefully placing the delicate glass champagne flute on
the granite planter next to her.
He stepped forward boldly, taking her into his arms,
"Would you care to dance with me?"
Her arms automatically went to his broad shoulders, and
she threw her head back, her laughter lilting across the
terrace. "You know I will, silly..." and she melted
against him, sliding her hand into his as they began to
glide across the marbled floor like Fred and Ginger.
"I know you hate these things," he said, nuzzling that
delicious neck he'd been lusting after all evening,
breathing deeply of her scent, "and I appreciate you
coming with me tonight. But if we don't get out of here
soon, I'm going to take you to that cabana over
She tilted her head slightly and whispered the words he
so wanted to hear: "So, what's stopping you?"
They had been best friends forever. They flirted with
each other all the time, were each other's confidantes,
touchstones, and backup dates for functions just such as
this, but they had never, ever made love. Sure, they had
hinted and played at it with each other, things like
holding hands and kissing each other lightly, but had
never come to the brink - mostly because they were both
so afraid that sex would ruin their perfect friendship.
Until that very instant, he had no idea how very much
she wanted him, and she really had no idea how much he
really, truly, deeply loved her. He placed his hands on
her hips and pushed her away, looking deeply into her
eyes: "Are you kidding?"
She reached between them, placing her hand on the front
of his trousers. "What do YOU think?" She gripped him
and then she just smiled.
"I think I'm taking you home..." he said and took her
hand, leading her briskly to the car.
Her heart sank. This was NOT the reaction she was hoping
for! A million things swirled through her head, not the
least of which being that he probably thinks her to be a
whore. She was so embarrassed by her aggression that all
the way home she kept her hands in her lap and watched
out the window of the car at the scenery skirting by.
He tried to engage her in conversation, but she wasn't
interested... she merely moped and answered him in
short, cryptic sentences. He knew something was wrong,
but wasn't really sure what he had done to provoke such
a sudden "cold front" between them.
They arrived at her home, and he walked her to the door.
"I'm sorry about earlier," she said, "about grabbing
your... you ... um..." her eyes downcast so not to show
her growing fears.
He smiled, "Oh, babe... I'm not sorry! So, THIS is why
you were so quiet! No... no... no! Look at me."
She did, and her blush told him exactly what he needed
to know. Taking her face gently into his hands, he
kissed her. Not like the usual kissing-his-sister peck,
but a long, slow, deep kiss borne of his escalating
His tongue found solace in her mouth and in doing so,
his hands slid from her jaw to her shoulders and then
down to her breasts. He took them into his hands and
through her dress slowly ran his thumbs across the
nipples until they stood out. Completely confused, she
broke the kiss and stepped back, "I don't understand. I
offered myself to you at the manor house, and you chose
instead to bring me home..."
He pulled her to him one more time, kissing her deeply
and taking her hand in his. He slid it to the front of
his trousers, and in a breathless whisper said, "Yes,
and I believe this is where we last were..." He looked
at her face. Her brow was knitted in a confused mixture
of want and fear, yet she didn't move her hand. Instead,
her fingers curled gently around him, her thumb brushing
casually at his rapidly hardening cock, causing him to
"Explain to me, please, what is going on?"
He gazed at her intently, and then softly said, "Look, I
didn't want to make love to you for the first time in a
cabana at a party. I didn't want to be rushed or fear
discovery. I want to take my time, to show you..." His
voice trailed off as she turned to unlock the door.
"Show me what?" she asked as they breached the threshold
of her house.
His hand reached for her once again, turning her so she
could see and hear him clearly, "Show you how much I
love you."
He lifted her into his arms. No, she was not a small
girl, but he had been working out in anticipation of
just such a moment. He carried her into her bedroom (he
had been to her house a million times in the years
they'd known each other, so he knew where he was going),
and they tumbled onto her bed... laughing... more like
the old friends they'd always been than new lovers they
were about to become.
She turned on a small bedside lamp, which threw just
enough light around the room that she felt comfortable.
He rose from the bed and quickly pulled off his tux
coat, his tie, shoes, and socks; she leaned back on the
bed on her elbows, watching him strip. She drew a sharp
breath when he removed his shirt: she had fantasies of
how his body must look under his clothing - she had
danced with him a million times and felt how his body
felt against her, but now she was truly seeing it for
the first time. He wasn't weight-lifter perfect, which
suited her just fine.
She loved the way his chest and stomach came together
with a line of feathery hair. His shoulders and arms
were just right for holding her when she needed him. She
licked her lips in anticipation of what the trousers
held! His hands moved to undo the belt, but she stopped
him with a soft, "no."
He looked at her, wondering if she was rethinking this
whole thing, then she finished with, "please... c'mere
and let me..." Stepping forward, he shivered as her soft
hands touched his bare skin for the first time.
She placed her warm hands against his stomach, feeling
his breathing quicken and hearing him groan in
anticipation. She opened his pants, pressing them over
his hips, and catching his underwear with her hands on
the way down. He was now fully exposed to her and she
leaned forward, kissing him on each hipbone with a soft,
sucking kiss. She took his cock into her hands and
looked up at him, "Is this what you want me to do?" she
asked while stroking him gently.
"No..." he croaked.
"Is this?" she said, taking a long, hot lick of the
shaft, "what you want me to do?"
He swallowed hard, "U-u-u-hhhhh... it's good... oh god
it's good... but no..." He took her head into his hands
and said, "Please suck me ..." and he thrust his cock
forward into her hot mouth.
She had already wet her lips, so he slid easily back and
forth over them as she laved him with her tongue. She
concentrated on just the right amount of pressure and
before long, he was pushing her away... begging her to
stop. "Honey, I'll cum too soon and I want to make love
to you..."
He knelt down in the floor in front of her. Kissing her
collarbone, he reached around for the zipper of her
dress, and once it was undone, he slid her dress
carefully from her and hung it neatly over a chair. He
uncoupled her bra, reveling in the weight of her large
breasts in his hands. He nibbled and suckled at her
nipples, causing her to moan and squirm ... yet he had
so much farther to go!
He slowly rolled her stockings off each of her legs,
kissing her toes as he finished. He pushed her onto her
back and, taking her hips into his hands, carefully
peeled her panties from her. The wetness in the crotch
was evident and she blushed hotly when he held them to
his nose and commented on it. "You smell heavenly...
let's see how you taste..." he said, kneeling before her
She felt him put pressure on the inside of each knee,
asking without words for her to open herself up to him.
His hands skimmed up the insides of her thighs and she
felt them come to rest on either side of her slit, his
thumbs gently opening her even more to his gaze. She
closed her eyes in anticipation, but she was totally
unprepared for the sensation of his mouth on her at
last. "Oh, GOD..." she moaned and arched against him as
his tongue found it's mark.
He smiled, bemused at her reaction, "MmmmmMMmmm, you
taste good..." and he lowered his head once again to
drink from her.
She reached down with her hands, running them through
his hair, encouraging his every move, pulling his mouth
closer and closer to her, his tongue deeper. She came
and came, and he seemed to never tire. His senses were
overloaded: her tangy sweetness on his lips and tongue,
her soft moans echoing in his hears, her body heat
radiating against his face, and inside he felt as if he
would burst if he didn't fill her soon.
He lifted his head as he slid his fingers into her,
brushing her clit incessantly with his thumb until she
was cumming again, wanting to watch her skin flush as he
felt her pulse around them. He kissed his way softly
from her thighs, to her hips, over the gentle curves of
her belly to her breasts. He lay against her chest,
listening to her heart beat wildly, and suckled at her
magnificent breasts. She reached and stroked his hair as
he did so, basking in the glow of her orgasms.
Coming down from the heights of pleasure, she suddenly
realized he could see her naked body in the lamplight
and began to feel extremely self-conscious. So she
extricated herself from under his ministrations, finding
solace in the bedcovers.
"What's wrong?" he asked, afraid he'd done something
terribly wrong. She sat there, the covers pulled around
her, gripping her arms around her knees, and began to
"I'm afraid..." she choked out, her voice quivering.
He looked incredulous, "Afraid of ME?!?"
"No... afraid of THIS. Afraid of tomorrow. Afraid of you
seeing me... naked... and everything that's wrong with
me! Will we still be best friends, or will you look at
me differently?"
"Come here," he said, sliding under the covers and
holding his arms out to her. "I have wanted to make love
with you longer than you know. I will go to my grave
loving you, whether we continue or whether we don't, and
we only will continue if you are ready..."
She slid into his side, wrapping her arms around his
middle, holding on for dear life. He felt her trembling
against him, and he tipped her face up so that he could
look into her eyes. "Do you want to make love with me?"
In response, she grasped him firmly enough around the
waist that when she rolled onto her back, she carried
him with her and he wound up over her, staring down into
her beautiful blue eyes.
His hands touched her soft blonde hair, brushing it from
her forehead, then his thumb gently wiped the remaining
teardrop from her cheek. They remained that way for a
moment, just gazing at each other... then came the kiss.
It was a kiss her mother had always told her about:
soft, deep, insistent... carrying all the love this man
had held in his soul for this woman for all this time.
She welcomed him between her thighs and they both moaned
into each other's mouths when his body became part of
"Ahhhhhh..." she sighed, feeling every nuance of him
sliding deeply into her, his mouth found her pulse on
her neck, and he kissed her over and over there. He held
still inside her for a moment, rising to watch her face
contort and feeling her body grip him in ways he'd only
dreamed of.
Slowly, rhythmically, he took control of her... sharply
biting at her nipples, suckling her earlobe, kissing her
hotly... bombarding not only her body but her soul with
"Ohhhhh... I'm going to CCCUUUMMMMMMmmmmm..." he felt
her squeeze and gush around him, he gripped her ass and
pulled her closer to him so that he could feel every
ripple. She felt so good to him when she would roll her
hips against him just so... in fact, so good that he
felt himself getting close to the brink himself. He
whispered hoarsely, "Babe, I want to cum inside you. I
want you to feel me..."
She looked into his eyes and saw what she had been
looking for her whole life. "Take me with you..." she
whispered, and he ground himself deeply into her,
knowing he was pushing her over the edge, too.
She felt his first pulse before he made any sounds.
"Uuhhhhggggggg..." his drawn-out groan filled her ears
as his offerings filled her body. "Cum for me... I can
feel you..." she pushed herself more tightly against
him, his pulsing cock opening up a flood inside her
Every throb and thrust brought his voice into her head,
"God, you feel so good..."
"Can you feel me cumming?"
"HHHGGGGGGNNNGGG..." With his last moaning push, she
came against him ... with him... a more peaceful, easy
cum that finally satisfied her yearning.
He held his softening cock inside her, feeling her heat
and their mutual juices mingling around him. He raised
himself up on his arms so that he could look at her
below him, her face flushed from the pleasure, and love,
she'd just received.
"God, you're beautiful!" he whispered... and the tears
began to roll from her eyes once again. He had never
said such things to her, although they had been close
for years, but the tone in his voice and the glow in his
eyes told her that he had actually thought it for a long
"Please don't cry, my love..." he kissed her softly on
her forehead, then rolled over and took her once again
into the hollow of his arm, holding her close.
"Regrets?" she asked, fearing his answer.
"Yes," he said and felt her tense against him... he
stroked her back and hip gently with his hand as he
spoke. "I regret I waited so long to tell you how I felt
and to make love with you!"
She snuggled back up to him, listening to his rhythmic
breathing and his heart beat against her cheek. "Me
too," she thought as she drifted off to sleep in his
arms. "Me, too!"
Diposting oleh Unknown on Minggu, 02 Desember 2012
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