Diposting oleh Unknown on Minggu, 25 November 2012

I was 17 at the time, and, like all boys of that age, I 
was driven by hormones. Getting laid was my top
priority, and Amber glowed at the heart of the female
universe for me. The previous year, she was just
another scrawny eighth-grader, but everything changed
in 12 short months: her ironing board chest became
curvy with breasts the size and firmness of softballs,
her legs no longer toothpicks, but shapely calves.
Amber wore her soft, rich strawberry blonde hair cut at
around shoulder length, and it perfectly complemented
her wide, inviting hazel eyes. Her lips, full and red,
begged to be kissed.

Many was the night I lay alone in my room, my hand
moving feverishly over my raging cock, whispering
Amber's name into the darkness, and cursing the
situation which I thought would never change.

But our parents' twentieth anniversary coincided with a
three-day holiday, and they decided to take a chance
that Amber and I could take care of ourselves for a few
days. They made reservations at a resort hotel for a
Thursday night and would return on Tuesday morning,
promising to call in every now and then to see how
things were going.

"What do you think they'll be doing all that time
without us?" Amber asked as we enjoyed pizza and a
movie in front of the TV in the rec room that first

"Just a guess, but I think they'll try to recapture
what made them fall in love in the first place," I

Amber nodded prettily and said, "I wonder what it's
like to be in love."

I ran my gaze over her lovely form; even in a T-shirt
and sweats, my baby sister was still the most alluring
girl I had ever seen.

"I envy the day you find out," I said.

"Have you ever been in love, Henry?"

"I thought so once. You remember Pam?"

"Uh-huh. She didn't last long. Did it feel like love?"

"Not after we broke up."

We sat in silence and watched the film for a while;
Amber loved old musicals, and on the screen before us,
Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers seemed to float
magically over the dance floor. Amber, all but
mesmerized, seemed to be putting herself in Ginger's
place, while I could not tear my own gaze from my
sister's soft and inviting features, lovely even in the
TV set's cold, white glow.

An idea formed in my mind, and I said, "How about a
date tomorrow night?"


"Tomorrow is Mom's and Dad's anniversary," I said, "and
they'll almost certainly go out for dinner and dancing.
We can do that here."

"A date with my brother?" Amber seemed skeptical. "Can
we do that?"

"Why not? I'll prepare you a nice dinner, and we can
dance down here, just like Fred and Ginger." And then
go to bed, I thought. "It'll be fun," I added. "It'll
give you an idea of what to expect when you really do
fall in love."

"Okay," she said after a moment's thought. "It'll be

My erection didn't fade for hours. My dreams that night
were fiercely erotic, burning with unrestrained
incestuous lust and the following morning it was all I
could do not to run down the hallway, crawl into
Amber's bed, and give her the ride of her young life.

Instead, I spent the morning, a Saturday, first
preparing a perfect musical mix, an hour's worth for
dinner conversation, and then about 90 minutes' worth
for dancing. After that, a trip to the farmer's market
for fresh ingredients. I had decided on shrimp stir-
fry; if I took nothing else from my brief relationship
with Pam the year before, I at least knew that you
can't go wrong with Oriental food on the first date,
because it's healthy, loaded with vegetables and low
in calories, not to mention easy to prepare and not
very time-consuming.

I also bought myself new clothes: a black polo shirt,
khakis, black espadrilles for easy removal. I had no
idea what Amber planned to wear; we had agreed to keep
our distance for the day, and she was out with friends
until dinnertime.

Carefully setting the table, I used a tablecloth with
a green leaf pattern to reflect the summer, new
candles, and rather large wine glasses. (I had two
bottles of California chardonnay chilling in the

The rice steamed, the shrimp as tender and succulent as
I hoped my sister would be if I didn't chicken out. My
heart hammered in my chest and my throat constricted
the closer it came to 6 o'clock, our agreed-upon dinner
time. The fantasy of making love to my sister was
erotic and titillating; the likely reality was, at
best, a slap in the face and days of apologizing, not
to mention what my parents might do to me. I had plenty
of time to call this off, but my hands shook as I lit
the candles, and I nearly dropped the match.

The door opened precisely on time, and in walked the
goddess of love. Amber had chosen a tight sleeveless
black turtleneck enhanced by a gold locket that pointed
down towards her inviting breasts. She wore faded blue
jeans that conformed exactly to her soft, feminine
curves, and on her otherwise bare feet she wore only
sandals. Gulping, my stomach tight and my throat dry, I
had to remind myself that she was only 14 -- 14 going
on 21.

"Wow," she said, as her eyes took in the table. "You
really went all out for this."

"I wanted tonight to be really special, Amber. My God,
you're beautiful."

Amber kissed me lightly on the lips, sending a powerful
electric current from my lips right to my already
stiffening cock. Did she suspect what I had in mind?

As music softly filled the air, Amber settled into her
seat as I opened a bottle of wine and poured her a
healthy glass.

"Won't Mom and Dad know there's a bottle missing?" she

"I called in a favor," I replied. "Nobody's driving
tonight, right? What they don't know won't hurt us."

Amber giggled and sipped tentatively, then she took a
stronger taste and said, "That's good."

I have no idea today what we talked about, but I do
remember that dinner went smoothly, and that we each
had two glasses of wine. Then, down the stairs into the
rec room.

Amber stumbled on the stairs and said, "Maybe I
shouldn't have had two glasses."

"Nonsense," I replied. "It'll loosen you up."

The first couple of dances were fun. I programmed a
pair of lively numbers and twirled my beautiful baby
sister around the room, making her laugh, and I even
taught her the tango. (I ought to mention that I worked
as a dance instructor that summer.) I'll never forget
her sparkling laugh or the joyful light in her eyes as
she moved around me, graceful as a seal in the water.

Then the music slowed, and I drew my sister close for a
slow dance, knowing I had to be careful; I had a hot,
glowing rail spike in my pants, and the wrong move at
the wrong time could ruin everything, so I left just a
little distance between Amber and me.

"Henry, this is really nice," Amber said, laying her
young blonde head on my chest, the scent of gardenia in
her hair and on her neck; for me, gardenia will forever
be the aroma of passion.

I held Amber closer and then I kissed the top of her
head. She looked at me; our eyes met and searched one
another for clues to our feelings. Then, slowly, I
brought my lips to hers and we shared our first real
kiss. Amber had never been kissed that way before, and
at first her eyes widened with surprise, but I would
not let her break away. When the kiss faded, Amber
looked at me, tears of wonder aglow in her wide,
trusting eyes.

"Henry, what's happening to me?" she asked, her voice
hoarse. "I feel so ... strange. What are you going to
do to me?"

"This is love, sweetheart," I said. "You wanted to know
what love feels like." Then I kissed her again. "I love
you, Amber."

"Oh, Henry, I love you, too," Amber whispered, causing
both my heart and my cock to leap.

This time, my beautiful sister's lips yielded more
readily, and I flicked the inside of her mouth with the
tip of my tongue, startling her. When we kissed again,
though, she let me in, and our tongues danced even as
we still swayed to the music.

Now I pulled Amber close and let her feel my heat
radiating ever so close to her teenage virginity, and
when we kissed this time her arms tightened around my
neck to pull herself closer to me, and now her kiss
blazed with ardor as, no doubt aided by the wine,
reluctance and inhibition melted away.

We nearly fell onto the sofa. I ran the edge of my
teeth along Amber's neck, causing her to gasp in
surprise, and to cry out when I caressed the sides of
her breasts with my fingertips.

"My God, Henry!" she barked.

"Come on," I said, rising. I pulled Amber to her feet
and picked her up. She kissed all over my neck and face
as I carried her up the stairs to my room. I had spent
a good part of the day cleaning and making sure I had
clean, crisp sheets in case my insane scheme actually
got that far.

We lay down and kissed again, only now I had plenty of
room and gave my hands free play, as Amber did the
same. I found the snap on her jeans and popped it;
Amber instinctively moved down the bed a little to give
my fingers maneuvering room. Her bright hazel eyes
fluttered as I slid my fingers into her warm, damp
panties and found her virgin beaver.

"Henry!" she barked, but then she started moaning
softly when I found her clit. I massaged it gently
until she urged me to be more forceful, her face
turning red with passion, her breath short and rasping
almost to the point of hyperventilation. The feel of my
sexy sister in my arms, writhing like a cat on my bed,
her aroma, her cries, will echo in my memory to my
dying day, especially the moment when I slipped a
finger between her virginal pussy lips.

Amber cried out then, and her first real woman's orgasm
washed over her teenage body. Her head mashed deep into
my pillow, she cried my name again and again as I
brought her to orgasm twice more before removing my

"Jesus, Henry!" she said. "Did you do this with Pam?"

"I tried to."

"My God!"

"Lift your ass, sis."

I removed Amber's jeans, then her panties while she
peeled away her turtleneck and bra, leaving only the
locket. My clothing soon joined hers in an unruly pile
on the floor, and now we each had our first look at the
other, not as brother and sister, but as lovers and
explorers of unknown physical and emotional territory,
for nothing would ever be the same again after that

"Henry, you're huge!" Amber cried.

"Amber, you don't know how long I've wanted this," I
told her. "You're my world, my dream."

With that, I molded my hand over her breast, reveling
in its soft, creamy skin, and tight red nipples, as
hard as cherry pits and, as I immediately discovered,
as flavorful. Again my sister cried out as I showed her
what teeth and tongue can do, but she gently pushed me
onto my back after a moment.

"Let me play with you," she whispered, gently touching
my cock, seven red inches of solid incestuous desire.

Now I gave myself over entirely to my sister's kisses
and caresses as natural lust took over; though only 14,
she had a natural gift for the erotic, and it was my
turn to call her name when her teeth sank into my neck,
her tongue turning my nipples into erotic electrodes,
making my cock jump in her soft hand, which was
stroking my length gently even as my soft, naked sister
nibbled my upper body, kissing her way back up to my

As our lips and tongues joined once more, Amber eased
her body underneath mine, her thighs parting, a strong
aroma of musk between us, redolent with invitation.
When the kiss broke, I raised myself on my arms to gaze
on the eager, panting goddess on the bed. My cockhead
could not have been an inch from Amber's hot pussy, the
heat between us all but crackling.

"What are you waiting for?" Amber said. "You've got to
put it in!"

"This is your first time, so it could hurt," I said.

"I don't care!"

Slowly, I pushed my hot, pulsing knob of flesh into my
sister's sopping snatch, savoring her cries and moans,
the sensations that spun around my prick like a million
bolts of lightning, pausing only when I reached Amber's
hymen. Impatient, she suddenly bucked underneath me,
tearing the flimsy membrane and drawing me all the way
in, crying out as the blood ran in little red rills
down the rounded globes of her ass.

I didn't move for a moment, giving Amber a chance to
get used to the feel of me inside her. Then, kissing
her gently, I rocked my hips in and out, building a
smooth rhythm and taking care to give my sweet,
beautiful baby sister an orgasm she could never, ever

"Do it, Henry! Do it to me!" Amber cried, and, as her
face tightened with pending release I finally abandoned
all control, driving my cock in and out of her with all
the force I could muster, making Amber's every nerve
ending crackle.

"Ah! Ah!" she cried. "Henry! Coming--"

This time Amber's entire body thrashed underneath mine
and I could hold back no longer. Jet after jet of sperm
erupted through my pistoning prick, and we howled each
other's names as passion washed over us like foamy
storm waves at high tide.

Gradually, our passion subsided and we kissed and
caressed each other softly as our bodies, glistening
now with sweat and each other's juices, disengaged, and
we lay in one another's arms, gazing with love and

"Girls aren't supposed to do that with their brothers,"
Amber said at last, "but I'm so happy I did."

"I've wanted to make love to you for the longest time,"
I told her. "You're so lovely, Amber."

"What do we do now? Mom and Dad will kill us of they
find out."

"Do you want to do this again, baby sister?"

"Ooohhh," she replied, suddenly realizing the forbidden
thrill. "You know I do."

"They won't be back until Tuesday," I said. "We have at
least that much time. And there's so much I want to do
with you."

Amber kissed me, and I felt her slender fingers close
around my growing cock. That night, we made love four
more times.

We spent the rest of the summer sneaking off whenever
we could and we had the kind of endless animal sex
that's really only possible when you're that age.
Looking back, I am astonished we were never caught.

Over the years our lives naturally diverged, but we
always manage to find at least one weekend a year where
we can lock the door, pull down the covers, and love
one another as brothers and sisters so rarely can.

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