Diposting oleh Unknown on Senin, 19 November 2012

Cute is not the word to describe the teenager, with a
smile that was highlighted with dimpled cheeks. Light
brown hair, with lighter streaks, a voice that oozed
hints of hidden passions, and for those who knew her
well. Chrissy, remained a virgin at the age of 17.

One mustn’t overlook a body that was a perfect work of
art, even with an extra five pounds, and possibly a
few more than that, on her 5'3" frame. Chrissy’s
exceedingly round 36 C-cup breasts stood out firm and
high and many of her dates and other males in general
wanted to feel those soft rounded mammary glands with
kneading fingers and lips, but so far they remained

Chrissy worked at one of the local fast food
restaurants in the small town where she lived, as did
I, which was also the county seat. The natural smiles
on her face seemed to never leave, and this feature
helped make Chrissy popular amongst her peers. One
evening when I entered the restaurant, one of the
other counter helpers, (they didn’t have waitresses)
who I had photographed, started teasing me, and asked
when I was going to finish her portfolio she was
having me do for her.

Enter Chrissy, who until then, I had previously spoken
with, now she smiled and asked, "When are you going to
photograph me?" Joking with her, I replied, "Whenever
you want, just let me know."

With that comment, and a smile from Chrissy that
caused me to become excited, (make that hard,) I
walked away from the counter, and enjoyed my snack
along with my friends. The next time I saw Chrissy was
three days later, and once more, she was working, only
this time it was only she and I at the counter.
Smiling, while flirting as only a young teen girl can
do, in pure innocence, she stated to me, "You haven’t
called me to do my photos, so when are we going to do

Handing her my business card, I told her, "Call me
when you aren’t in school and you can meet without
your mother getting upset, but I must speak with her
before we do your shots." When I handed her my money
for my snack food and coffee, I felt her hand touching
mine, and she allowed her fingers to slide across the
top of my hand. Chrissy smiled, and told me, "I’ll
call you, and perhaps we can do them Saturday."

Late Friday afternoon, I answered my phone and
listened as Chrissy informed me that her mother was
next to her and wished to speak with me about my
taking her photos. I spoke to Mrs. Danklin for nearly
ten minutes, and then she told me she would see me
Saturday morning, and asked if I would take a
photograph of her and Chrissy prior to my taking her
daughter, to do her photos?

Arriving at the Danklin’s home, I was welcomed inside
by Mrs. Danklin, and found an older version of
Chrissy. For the next half hour, I shot several
different poses of Chrissy and her mother, and during
the time I was photographing the two, I discovered
Mrs. Danklin, Margie, was divorced.

I had told Mrs. Danklin that it would likely be around
1:00 or 2:00 P.M., before we returned, unless she
needed her daughter home before then. Margie told me
not to worry, as she was going with a friend, and
likely wouldn’t be home until around 9:00 P.M., that

The first stop I made to take photos was down a lane
on a large farm that a close friend owned, and the old
house and other buildings had been torn down, except
for the old barn, with weather worn sideboards. There
was still loose hay in the mows that must have been
there since the late 40's or early 50's. After setting
up some shots of Chrissy in her Levis, and plaid
blouse, I asked she tie the blouse at the bottom, she
unbuttoned all the buttons on her blouse, except the
two in the middle.

After Chrissy had tied the bottom of the blouse in a
knot, I was ready too shoot, but saw her red bra was
partly exposed. I could see her bra was visible no
matter how I asked her to adjust her blouse. Finally
Chrissy told me, you don’t need to worry if it shows,
it will be like those photos you see of Hollywood
stars in similar poses. "Mom told me that I could let
you take my pictures with me wearing only my bra and
panties, but no nudes, honest, Ed," Chrissy told me as
I looked dumbfounded at her.

"Chrissy, is that what your mother meant when she told
me that you wanted sexy pictures taken?"

"Yeah, I asked her if I could have you take sexy
pictures, and that is why she gave me a note to give
you, and it is in my bag, and I forgot to give it to

"The two of you discussed my taking such photographs?"

"Yes," and as she spoke, Chrissy walked over to the
large gym type bag and ruffled through it until she
found the note from her mother.

Taking the note from Chrissy, I read the short note,
"This is permission for Ed Morrison to photograph my
daughter in photographs as he deems appropriate, and
my daughter feels comfortable in allowing." The note
was signed, Margie Danklin.

For the next few minutes I took photographs of
Chrissy, and finally she asked if she could take her
blouse off? And she was doing so as she asked, and
before I could reply.

Knowing Chrissy’s reputation in the small town where
we both lived, I was somewhat taken back with her
boldness. Then I believed, falsely I discovered later,
Chrissy was living the fantasy of a girl who believes
her photographs will land her in the movies or a
career as a model. I took a half-dozen photographs in
her levis and bra, and I watched as she stood up and
removed her pants. The red panty she was wearing was a
thong, and I could see she did not trim her pubic hair
close. There was a slight line of hair on each side of
her panty leg, and I could see she was a natural
blonde. What have I gotten myself into, I wondered, as
I watched the teen stand in front of me, then lie back
on the hay and begin rolling around as if she was a
real model, moving to give the photographer the
various poses he needed to complete the session?

‘Hurry, this hay is sticky, and pricking me all over,"
Chrissy said with laughter in her voice, and on her

I finished the roll of film, and told Chrissy I needed
to reload the camera while she put on something else.
After inserting the new film in the camera, I
suggested we do some shots on the barn floor, so we
descended the latter; I carried my camera gear, and
Chrissy’s heavy gym bag.

Once we were on the barn floor, Chrissy spotted some
old farm equipment, and one item was an old horse
drawn hayrack, and it had a seat on it, in front of
the high curving tongs of the rake. She climbed on the
seat, so I started taking shots of her, and she even
lay on the tongs, and it was obvious she was enjoying
posing, and in her bra and panties. One thing I
discovered later, was how the red of her bra and
thong, was highlighted with the old rake, with its
rust and rust colored brownish-red color.

"Okay, what say we do something where you’re dressed,
and in fact, I would like you to put on a dress and
heels, and we will shoot you next to the barn door,
and over by that old window," I said to Chrissy. I
watched in disbelief as the teenager moved to where
she had her bag, took out a white lacy bra and thong,
and Chrissy exchanged the red bra with the white one.

I was fascinated, and started shooting her as she
changed bras. Only the profile of her breast showed,
but after developing the film, and printing a
composite, I saw one photo had her nipple pointing out
from her breast in perfect display, and I had shot
those photos with the background nearly blacked out.
This photo later turned out to be Chrissy, her
mother’s favorite photograph, and mine, and I
submitted it in a national photography contest and won
best of show. The image of her face was such that the
shadows kept her from being recognized, and that made
the photo even more fitting to the title, "Virgin
Undressing" I gave the photograph.

Chrissy kept her back partly to me as she changed, and
she reached under her dress to remove her red thong,
and then slipped on the white one. We did several
shots of her in the white dress, which was linen, and
I had her stand in the doorway and shot her with the
light shining through the material, which highlighted
her legs.

After a while, I suggested we go to the next place to
shoot, and I drove to a small stream on the backside
of the property, where the no longer used road had an
old bridge made of native sandstone. The stones were
hand carved, and were tapered off along the side the
creek bank on each side of the bridge. I took a few
photos of Chrissy in the white dress, and then
suggested she put on a pair of shorts and a top of
some sort.

After removing her dress, Chrissy asked, "Ed, would
you photograph some of me in my undies?"

"Sure, if you would like that."

"Ed, did you do any of Rene in her underwear, or

"No, only when she was dressed, why do you ask?"

"I just wondered if you had, and I would like you to
take mine nude lying on the sloping sides of the

The idea that Chrissy wanted me to photograph her
nude, and I had written permission to do so from her
mother, made me realize that I was either a pedophile
or one lucky photographer. Suddenly I wanted to view
the teen body of the lovely young girl, and smiling at
Chrissy, I asked her if she had ever been nude in
front of anyone?

"Only my mom, but that was a few years ago, but no boy
has ever seen me, and I’m a good girl, really Ed, I’m
not like some of the girls my age, or even my

"That’s nice, and I will do some nudes of you, but
please don’t tell your friends unless your mother
allows you to show them your photographs, as she might
be embarrassed."

"I know, we spoke about my not telling or showing
anyone about my pictures, unless she and I discussed
them first." I watched in awe as the lovely girl
pulled her dress over her head and then unfastened her
bra, and slipped her panties down over her hips and
off her legs. As she was undressing, Chrissy told me,
"Ed, mom said she’d like you to take pictures of her
in the nude, and both of us nude together, and told me
to ask you." She didn’t have the nerve to ask you

"Did your mother really say that, or are you kind of
teasing me, Chrissy?"

"Honest, she said for me to ask you, but she didn’t
know how you would think of her if she wanted or asked
you to take nudes of her."

These were no doubt that I would have extreme pleasure
in viewing the mother and daughter in the buff
together, and I told Chrissy, "If your mother wants me
to do nudes of her, tell her I would be happy to shoot

Chrissy was now standing in front of me, and holding
her dress so her body was not exposed, and asked, "Do
you want me to get on the stones now?"

"Yes, go ahead, I’m ready to shoot."

I picked up my other two cameras, and both were
holding full rolls of film, and one was a
two-and-a-quarter format film. When Chrissy let her
dress, fall onto the gym bag, and move to climb over
the edge of the bridge to get on the sloping sides of
the bridge, I commenced shooting her from all angles.
When Chrissy moved her legs apart to climb onto the
sides of the bridge, her rounded hips showed how firm
and attractive they were. I could see her sex from
behind, and her pink anal ring was on view. I later
found the photos were so clear, and showed Chrissy’s
body off in pure form.

Once on the side of the bridge, I took several photos
of Chrissy, and a few of them, she had arched her
back. Her round and perky breasts were pointed to the
sky, despite how large they were, and were pointed and
firm. The nipples were short and full, and seemed to
be larger around than any I had ever seen or made love
too in my life.

Chrissy had lain on her side, and her feet were facing
me, after I had climbed down below her to take some
shots from a different angle. When she pulled her one
leg back, and resting her foot on the stones, and her
leg was bent at the knee, I could view between her
slightly spread legs. With the motor drive on the
camera, I captured her sex completely exposed, and
parted. The photos later showed how pink the insides
of her sex were, and her sex seemed to be small. I
shot six rolls of film of her on the bridge, and
several of them I had zoomed in so only the blonde
hair-covered sex between her legs was in the shot.

After a while, we climbed on down to the creek, and I
shot some of her in the water, the typical shots of
flipping the water with her fingers, or splashing the
water when she kicked her legs out.

Climbing back up the bank, I followed her, and I was
snapping pictures of her rounded hips, and the back of
her body, and they later proved to be great studies of
a female form. I printed fifteen 8x10 photos, and
framed all of them in the same frame, with an inch of
matting between them. The long print became one of my
favorite photo efforts, and I have it hanging in the
hallway of my home.

Chrissy stood nude in front of me, and asked, "Am I
bad, because I’m nude in front of you, Ed?"

"No, you’re lovely, but how about you get something
on, before I forget our age difference."

I watched as Chrissy slipped on the white thong and
bra, and then put on white shorts and a grey top. The
look of her body was perfection, even with the few
extra pounds, and I wondered who the lucky guy would
be, who would be Chrissy’s first.

After we got in the car, I drove to a small stand of
trees, and I shot a few photos of Chrissy near the
trees and in the high grass. I took a blanket from the
car and spread it out on the ground, and as I took her
photos, Chrissy simply undressed in front of me. Then
she asked me to take some sexy pictures of her nude,
while lying on the blanket.

Chrissy was soon trying to show her body off, in such
a way, I was certain she had studied men’s magazines
to determine how to move. Then my world turned upside
down, as Chrissy asked, "Ed, will you take your
clothes off and lay down with me, but can we not have
sex, but I want to play some, but you will need to
show me what to do, as I’ve never done anything?"

There was no doubt that I wouldn’t honor her request,
even if she was only 17-years-old, but her playful way
all morning had finally made me decide to give into
her request. I undressed, and when I removed my
boxers, my erection was pointed firm from my body.

"Wow, so that is what a man looks like, and it isn’t
like in the pictures, I’m scared, Ed."

Moving down onto the blanket, I lay on my side, and
propped my head up on my hand so I could look down at
the lovely girl, and looking in her eyes, it was
obvious we both knew what was about to happen if one
of us didn’t move from the blanket, and both of us got
dressed once more. I looked at the 17-year-old lovely
girl laying on her back nest to me, and my hand
reached out and I caressed her shoulder. I eased my
hand down, moving it against the top of her round
breasts, and Chrissy’s eyes never left mine. Lightly
my fingers were stroking their way all around her
right breast, and when my fingers moved to the edge of
her areola, I could see her body shake from the
knowledge I was about to touch her nipple.

I watched as Chrissy’s stomach moved inward from
sucking in her breath, knowing the point of no return
was near. What were her thoughts, I wondered, as my
finger tips had moved to play with her short nipple?
Then my fingers were moving down her stomach, and I
moved my middle finger so it was teasing her navel,
and I heard her breath leave her mouth. Slowly I
worked my fingers and hand down onto her blonde pubic
hair, and I lightly pulled them between my fingers,
and watched her hips move upward in response.

Moving my hand from her body, I took her left hand in
mine, and placed hers on my erection. At first the
pulled her hand back when I released hers, but I once
more moved her hand onto my cock, and told her to hold
me. Her hand did nothing but rest lightly around my
hard-on, but my fingers were once more on her blonde,
and slightly curly maiden hair. My hand moved down and
cupped her mound, and I felt her body shake from the
contact. "Chrissy, do you want me to stop or continue,
the decision is yours?"

"Ed, how old are you, and don’t be upset in my

"I’m 42-years-old, and from what I’ve just done with
you, could be enough to make me spend the rest of my
life in prison."

"No one will know you have touched me, as I will never
tell anyone, really Ed, I won’t say anything."

With that, I moved my finger between the dampening
lips of Chrissy’s sex, and moved my finger up and down
the slightly, hair-lined opening to her sex. After a
few moments of foreplay, I knew I wanted to make love
to this lovely creature. I lay down beside Chrissy,
and my lips sought her nipple, one after the other,
while I was playing with her clit.

"Oh, Ed, you make me feel funny," and as she spoke, I
felt her hand squeeze my cock with her full grip.

Without waiting longer, I moved until I was lying on
top of her, and I felt Chrissy spread her legs open to
allow me to settle between them. The youthful skin of
her thighs was firm and smooth, as she moved them back
against me, after I was settled between them. My cock
was probing her slit, and found its way to the
slightly parted labia, and the head worked its way
into her inner body.

I started making small in and out strokes of my cock
in her sex, and then I pushed a little deeper, and I
heard her sharp intake of breath as I realized I had
pressed against her hymen. My cock was moving in and
out her sexual entrance, and each time I pushed
against her cherry, I heard her sharp intake of
breath, and her hips pulled back slightly.

Still Chrissy was not saying anything, and I decided I
was going to make love to her all the way. Moving my
hips forward and feeling my cock hit against what I
knew was her virginity, I pressed through the thin
material of her hymen membrane, and Chrissy cried out,

Nothing else was said, and I commenced making love to
Chrissy, and it was perhaps a minute later that she
began to move her hips up to meet my strokes. Chrissy
had not said anything since crying out when I took her
cherry, but suddenly she was uttering soft vocal
utterances. They sounds weren’t words, but soft grunts
and moans, and her hands moved down and latched onto
my hips, and I could feel her fingers pressing into
the meat of my hips.

Then I heard Chrissy sobbing out, "Ed, oh my, Ed, I’m
getting it!"

I felt Chrissy pushing her hips up against me, and her
arms moved up and hugged my neck, and she pressed her
lips to mine and for the first time, we were kissing.
Finally I felt my body ready to come, and my body was
shooting my cum into her just de-flowered pussy.

After we had both gone off, we lay facing each other,
and Chrissy asked me, "Did you enjoy being with me,
and be honest?"

In my mind I asked myself, how can a man my age not
enjoy getting a 17-year-old virgin for her first time,
especially one who is attractive, and was honored with
the girl leading to the act of sex between them? "My
god, Chrissy, you need not ask such a question, and
your perfection, and I can only wish there wasn’t such
an age difference between us."

"I liked it, and I had a climax, didn’t I, "Chrissy
asked me?

"I believe we both did, and I hope you are not in your
cycle, you know what I mean, so you won’t become

"I just ended my period three days ago, so I’m safe,"
Chrissy replied.

Looking down I could see the evidence of her lost
virginity, which wasn’t the most redness I’ve seen
easing from a girl’s ruptured hymen. Chrissy seemed to
accept the loss with a difference of concern that
wasn’t of concern some girls cried and blamed on me
after they had allowed me to mount them. This caused
me, to once more become erect, and I eased between
Chrissy’s delightfully formed thighs, wanting to
sample the smooth skin of her legs again against my

"I’m a little sore, be gentle, please, oh, it feels
different going in this time, Ed. I feel you in me and
it is exciting this time, ohhh Ed, I hope you’re happy
with me." For the next few minutes we enjoyed making
love, and I will never forget the feeling of Chrissy’s
hands rubbing up and down my back, and her fingers
playing in my hair. Chrissy was soon bumping her hips
up, too meet my thrust, and once more I heard her sob
out, "Ed, I’m getting it, yes, oh, Ed!"

After I went off the second time, I lay over the warm
flesh of the lovely, and naive teenage girl, and I
listened as she told me how it felt to make love. The
closeness I felt for the appealing girl was something
I had not known with other females, including my
ex-wife, who had left me 5-years previously. Her body
was like lying on a soft downy quilt, and the
smoothness of her skin was stimulating again, and I
soon became erect.

Chrissy whispered, "Your becoming excited again,
aren’t you, Ed, do you like making love with me?"
Feeling the male penis growing inside her vagina,
Chrissy continued her inquiry, asking, "Tell me what
it is like to become aroused sexually while we lay
together, and I’m feeling those strange feelings I
experienced when you first entered me, after the
initial pain I felt when you became my first lover."

Stroking deep into the lovely girl who was breathing
hard underneath me, I raised up and groaned, "My god,
Chrissy, I have never taken a girl 3-times, in such a
short time." Pressing deep inside the 17-year-old
girl, and holding my erection as deep in her sex as I
could reach, I spoke softly, "Chrissy, if you were
older, I would marry you at this moment, and nothing
in my life has ever felt as wonderful as knowing I’m
your first."

I could not believe the feeling I received when
Chrissy moved her smooth thighs up and around my back.
Chrissy was urging me to give her my cream, and I felt
her fingernails scratch across my back, knowing she
had left marks in my skin. When the need to release my
cum, I pressed my cock as deep into the girl as I
could shove my erection, and I pulled her legs up and
onto my shoulders as I emptied my semen into her
welcoming sex.

For a short time, I kept Chrissy’s legs up in the air,
and I knew she hadn’t reached a climax this time, but
I listened as she told me, "Ed, that was different,
but wonderful, and you were deep, and I feel like your
still up in my body."

We sat up, next to each other, and Chrissy looked down
and saw the blood on me, then looked between her legs,
and knew what the redness meant as it leaked from her
narrow slit. A few tears rolled down her cheeks, and
she sobbed a few times, then she hugged me tightly
against herself. With a slight trembling and crying
sound in her voice, Chrissy said, "I’m glad you were
my first, and the other night, when you said we could
do my pictures today, I have thought of nothing but
making love with you, and I’m not disappointed, are

"Hell, Chrissy, no man could have a reason to be
disappointed in making love to you, and you’re an
extremely attractive woman." Then I added, "I can’t
decide which I find the most enjoyable, your round
breast, or those exquisite thighs?"

Laughing, Chrissy asked, "You mean they are better
than that little place between my legs that you about

"Chrissy Danklin, you’re an ornery young girl, and
should be spanked for asking such a question," I

"Stay where you are, I want to take a few photos of
you, if you don’t mind," I stated, as I wanted to
capture the evidence of her lost virginity.

We spent another hour taking her photos, and we had
driven down to a rocky ledge that was alongside a
small creek. In bathing suit, shorts, and even her
white dress, I took her photograph. When I took
photographs of her in the nude, I watched as Chrissy
seemed to find a way to flaunt her sex, not in a
vulgar manner, but one of being female, and knowing
her looks were truly beautiful to the man she’d given
her virginity.

"Chrissy, put your white dress on, with nothing under
it, and I want you to get completely under the water,
then stand up, jump up and down and flip your hair
back and forth with your head." Thinking for a moment,
I told her, "Chrissy, I will buy you a new dress, but
this should make great photos, so do you wish me to
shoot you like that?"

"Sure, Ed, I will do anything you want, anytime."

"You’re something else, and if your mother knew what I
have done to you today, she would kill me, and I would
go to prison forever, but I wouldn’t complain after
what you have given me, Chrissy."

The photos, I found out, after they were printed
turned out to be the best of any I took, except the
one the first one he had taken with her breast in the
profile, and dark background. After she removed the
wet dress, and she was holding onto my arm to steady
her self while she started to step into her shorts,
Chrissy asked, "Ed don’t laugh at me, but can I ask
you something personal, and promise you won’t laugh at

"Ask away, and I promise not to laugh at anything you
should ever ask of me, Chrissy,"

"Would you... have... show me how a man does oral sex
on a girl..."

Without waiting for Chrissy to finish her sentence, I
eased her down onto her back on the thick soft grass
along the creek, and then moved between her legs and
commenced kissing and licking her young sex. Within a
few minutes, I felt and then heard Chrissy uttering
out her satisfaction, and then she flipped her hips up
from the ground and cried out, "ED, I’M GETTING IT...

I felt Chrissy’s body become limp, and yet I continued
licking the juices as they eased from her sex. My
tongue was once more attacking her clitoris, and I
felt her body quiver, and she once more cried out in

I watched as Chrissy lay on the ground, her hands had
moved down and clamped over her vulva, as if she was
trying to protect her sex from further stimulation.
When Chrissy stood up, I looked at the girl, and knew
that she would likely never forget her day of being

Driving home, we discussed about her having more
photographs taken, and when I dropped Chrissy off, and
I went home, I had no more entered the house, than I
heard his phone ringing. I had just about decided to
not answer the phone, but as I looked at the caller
ID, I saw it showed Marge Danklin’s name.

"Hello, the party to whom your calling is not
available and is completely worn out>"

"That’s a shame, because I just got a call from mom,
and she said she would be home around 7:00, and she
wanted to invite you to join us for dinner, her treat,
so see you in two hours, goodbye, you nasty man." I
listened as Chrissy hung up the phone and decided to
not call her back, but to work up a few of the photos
as quickly as possible. Having noted the contents of
each roll, I soon had four rolls developed and ready
to print.

Looking at the composite sheets, I quickly printed two
11x14 prints of the profile shot of Chrissy’s breast
being highlighted by the dark background. I printed
two 8x10 photos of Chrissy in the water with the white
dress on, and also one of her completely nude standing
in the water, with the background being hazy. A photo
of her in the haymow was also a beautiful portrait of
her, and I printed two 11x14 photos of that shot.

The photos of Chrissy laying on the blanket, and she
was half on the throw, and half on the grass, after
they had made love. Looking at the photos, it showed
Chrissy with a look of having just enjoyed sex.
Studying the red tint on her maidenhair, inside her
thighs, and her partially opened sex, glistening with
their combined juices, wasn’t pornographic as I had
expected, but reflected the pleasures the 17-year-old
girl had enjoyed. Printing a couple more photos of her
in the barn, I saw I had about a half hour, to shower,
then dress, and drive to the Danklin’s for dinner.

Picking up the phone, I pressed the select button on
my phone, and within two rings, I heard Chrissy
answering her phone, "Hello, may I help you?"

"Yes, I knew I should have spanked your behind, and I
will later if I get a chance."

"Would you want to spank someone as sweet and innocent
as I, you mean man?"

"Might be fun, but how about I pick you and your
mother up, and I have a few photos to show the two of
you," I replied? After hanging up the phone, I walked
into my storage room and took a few frames into the
kitchen, and placed them on the kitchen table, then
walked into my studio, and picked up the dried prints.
Using the mats, I soon had the photos ready to take
with me. Then I took a quick shower, dressed and
taking the photos with me, drove to Marge and
Chrissy’s home.

When I carried the photos into the house with me,
Chrissy was grabbing at them in her impatience to view
her first formal photos. Marge told her to let me
alone before she caused me to drop them, but I asked
her to lead me into the kitchen and I would place them
on the table so she could view them. "Chrissy, why
don’t you go back in the living room, and I will put
them on the table, and when I have them ready, I will
call you to come look at how lovely you are?"

In a couple of minutes, I had the photos spread out on
the table, and I listed as Marge looked at the one
with her breast exposed. "My that is the most
wonderful photograph I have ever seen, and I can’t
believe how attractive my little girl is." Then she
looked at each of the photos, as I told Chrissy,
"Okay, come on in and see what we did today."

"Mom, look how nice I look, is that really me, and oh,
this one, it is the best, even if my breast is
exposed, mom, I love Ed, he makes me look lovely."

"Chrissy, you are not only lovely, you have a beauty
most women would kill for, and I hope you enjoy the
photos, and now I have this one for you to really
enjoy." The photo showed her in the creek in the white
dress, and the image was either a photograph of a
young girl being baptized, or a girl looking like pure
sensual delight to anyone, who appreciates the image
of a pretty girl.

"Mom, can I buy them all," Chrissy asked her mother?

"They are yours free, so enjoy them," I told the
excited girl.

It was another hour before we left for dinner, and as
we drove, Chrissy sat in the back seat, while her
mother sat in the front with me. We drove about
20-miles up the highway, to an excellent restaurant
that had been around for nearly 75-years.

After eating, Chrissy went to the restroom, and after
she left, Marge looked at me, and asked how I enjoyed
photographing her daughter? Marge smiled at me, and
asked, "Did the two of you enjoy your day together,
and tell me, Ed, how does one tell a teenager that
someone is too old to be her husband, because she
loves you, and I know why, I went through the same
thing when I was her age.

"Marge, she is a wonderful young woman, and you can be
proud of her."

"Ed, she is starting back across the restaurant, but
be honest with me, the two of you were intimate,
weren’t you?"


"Thanks, Ed, I think, now what do we do with a
lovesick pretty teen?"

"Hi, you two talking about me," Chrissy laughingly
asked she sat back down at the table?

The following weekend, Marge and Chrissy drove over to
viewed each of the photos I had printed including the
one image illustrating what could only mean Chrissy
had been intimate with me. When Marge looked at the
photo of her daughter, with the evidence of her
virginity on display in the photograph, she smiled as
she looked at me, then her daughter, and spoke softly,
"Truly a blessing to have such an intimate, and truly
a once in a life time occurrence recorded for life’s
fleet passing."

"Mom, your not upset, you really aren’t?"

"No, honey, I spoke to Ed last week while you were in
the restroom, and I decided the two of you had been
intimate, and no, I’m not upset, even if as a mother,
society says I should be."

"Mom, is it possible for me to love Ed, even if he is

"Yes, honey, now lets go have our photos taken
together, if Ed believes he can stand looking at two
naked women," and with that all three of us busted up

The drive to photograph Marge and Chrissy started in
the old barn, and I watched how Marge removed her
clothes without any thoughts of being nude in front of
me, and most of all, her daughter. Once Chrissy was
nude, and she was next to her mother for the first
shot of them unclothed, I knew they could pass as
sisters, as Marge appeared younger than her age. Both
of their breasts were identical in size and shape, and
there was very little sag to those of the mother.

Marge’s pubic hair was identical to that of her
daughter, and one could believe they had trimmed their
own pubic hair in front of the other. I knew that
wasn’t true, but seemed to ensure the deception of
identical looks stayed, even to the looks of their
pubes. As I had the mother and daughter seated facing
me, in Indian fashion, the crossed legs displayed
their vulva to the camera lens. The only difference I
noted was Marge’s labium was slightly larger, or at
least were more puffed up than Chrissy’s guardian to
her inner sex.

We drove to the creek, and once more they were nude,
and I enjoyed photographing the mother and daughter
together. They surprised me they both pulled white
dresses from their bags, and I knew I had double
visions ahead of me when I was ready to shoot them
after they were soaking wet from playing in the water.

The day’s shooting was finally over, and I watched as
Marge and Chrissy pulled the wet garments from their
bodies, and after drying off, sat on the towels they
had used. For several minutes it was only small talk,
and I wondered how two women, one the mother, the
other the daughter, could be so at ease on display in
the nude before a man who was nearly a stranger

Then to my surprise, I listened to Marge describes how
she first had sex when she was a young 17-year-old
girl, and had walked in the wooded land behind the
rural home where she lived. The story was a simple one
Marge had left home early one summer morning, and had
walked from the home where she lived with her parents,
after they had left for their work. There was nothing
new in the hike that day from any other, Marge stated,
and told how she had reached the small spring feed
stream within the trees.

After a while, Marge told how she had lain down the
mystery novel she was reading, and undressed, deciding
to relax in the cool water. The water was only waist
deep, as she sat with her back against the small bank
of the creek, and Marge noted small minnows darting
around in the water

"Chrissy, I hope you aren’t shocked with what I’m
about to relate to you, but this is the first time I
have ever spoken about the first time I had sex."

Marge looked at the two, and told how a voice had
startled her, and she looked up to see the favorite
person in the world to her standing at the edge of the
creek, looking at her, as the man spoke, "What is my
favorite granddaughter doing nude in the middle of

"Grandpa," Marge said she answered when he startled
her, "How did you locate me here, and I’m sorry I’m
nude, I’ll get dressed"

"Nonsense, enjoy the water, perhaps I’ll get in with
you, don’t you recall telling me you always came here
to relax, and read during the day, so when I got to
your house and you weren’t home, I simply followed the
path too here."

Chrissy and I listened, as Marge told how her grandpa
had undressed, and she was viewing the first male
organ of her life. When her grandpa got in the water,
she saw his thing started to get bigger, and kind of
stand out from his groin. Marge told how she knew what
it was and why it was getting larger, and when he sat
down next to her, she became excited.

"I’m not certain to this day, who lead the other from
the creek, to the grass and eased the two of us down
on the ground, but I believe I did." Marge thought for
a moment, then told us, "I remember reaching out and
taking grandpa’s erection in my hand, and within a
minute at the most, he was between my legs, and I had
sex for my first time, at the age of seventeen."

Marge then explained, "From what I can remember, my
grandpa must have been nearly 60-years-old at the
time, and three times that day, my body was racked
with orgasms." We both listened as Marge told us, "My
world fell apart a week later, as grandpa died in his
sleep, and from then until I was married I did not
have sex.

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