Diposting oleh Unknown on Senin, 04 Februari 2013

Perkara ini mula berlaku 2 tahun yang lalu, teta[pi masih segar diingatan ku kerana apa yang berlaku dan juga ianya masih lagi berlaku.
Saya bekerja sebagai setiausaha pada orang nombor satu tempat saya bekerja.Dianya berbangsa Inggeris. Orangnya dalam lingkungan 50an, tetapi masih tegap dan kacak.Tinggi orangnya,maklumlah orang amerika.Manakala saya, cuma kecil saperti Sheila Majid,berumur waktu itu 30 tahun,dan sudah beranak 2.
Satu hari saya telah diminta olih boss saya ini untuk mengikuti ke satu seminar diAustralia dimana dia telah diminta membuat satu presentasi, dan olih itu mahukan saya ikut sama membantu. Untuk memendekkan cerita, saya pun ikutlah dia, dan perlu berada disana selama 5 hari. Satelah tiba, hari pertama dan kedua kami sibuk dengan seminar tersebut dan hanya balik ke hotel lewat malam. Masuk hari ketiga berada disana, seminar itu sudah selesai dan boss saya mengatakan hari untuk kita relax. Dibawanya saya berjalan jalan dibandaraya Melbourne dan juga Gold Coasts. Memang cantik tempatnya Pada malamnya dia bawa saya ketempat tempat hiburan saperti nite club dan karaoke.Dikaraoke kami berdua menyanyi bersama manakala dinite club, kami menari.Saya memang pandai menyanyi dan menari,jadi tidak bermasaalah untuk mengikutinya. Entah kenapa,saya juga tidak tahu, mungkin sudah berada berjauhan dan sudah lama kerja dengannya, saya tidak membantah apa juga kehendaknya saperti menari perpelukkan dan dicium pipi saya sambil ucappkan terima kasih salepas menari.Pada hari keempat dan salepas berjalan jalan pada malamnya,dia mengajak saya kesatu tempat yang tidak ada diMalaysia, iaitu sebuah kelab sex. Disitu saya lihat berbagai cara sex dan jenis orang yang sedang melakukannya,termasuk tarian bogel dan sebagainya.Sambil kami melihat apa yang berlaku disitu, terlalu asing bagi diri saya, melihat orang melakukan sex begitu saja depan mata saya.Kami berbual bual sambil melihat tarian bogel dan ada juga pasangan yang melakukan sex dihadapan orang ramai.Saya yang mungkin sudah berjauhan dari suami dan anak anak, merasa bernafsu melihat apa yang orang orang itu lakukan.Apatah lagi boss saya ini memegang badan saya, memeluk dan ada ketikanya meraba saya. Mungkin kerana itu,antara sedar dan tidak sedar,apabila boss saya meraba raba badan saya, sambil memasukkan tanganya dalam baju saya dan meraba buah dada saya, saya melayang.Mungkin boss saya ini sudah berpengalaman dan tahu yang saya sudah lemah, maka bila dia kata mari kita balik dan sambung dalam bilik hotelnya, sayahanya mengangukkan kepala. Sampai dihotel,dipimpin nya saya terus kebiliknya dan bukan bilik saya.Dibaringnya saya atas katil dan terus melakukan sesuka hatinya pada saya.Sambil dia melakukannya, disamping merasa seronok, saya terbayang apa yang saya lihat dikelab itu tadi.Saya lupa suami, anak dan siapa saya.
Saya terus dibuai olih boss saya ini. Walaupun orangnya sudah 50an, tua dari suami saya, tapi permainannya cukup baik dan anu nya juga masih kuat dan lebih besar dari suami saya. Maka malam itu terjadilah buat pertama kalinya saya menyerahkan tubuh saya untuk diratah olih boss saya ini.Entah berapa kali dia kerjakan saya, saya tidak ingat, kerana segala galanya seronok dan sebagai mimpi bagi saya.Sejak malam itu, saya tidak lagi balik ke bilik saya, terus dipindahkannya kebiliknya dan kami sudah saperti suami isteri.
Saya hanya terasa sedikit kelainanan apabila sampai diKLIA, suami dan anak anak saya jemput saya, dan kekesalan timbul dalam hati saya.Tapi itu hanya sementara.Selang 2 hari salepas kembali keMalaysia,boss saya mengajak saya makan tengah hari diluar.Memang selalu kami makan bersama, tetapi hanya makan dan balik.Hari itu salepas makan disebuah coffeee house,boss saya bertanya sama ada saya ingin berehat dihotel tersebut.Saya faham maksudnya dan entah kenapa saya setuju.Dan hari itu, berlaku lagi apa yang berlaku diAustralia.
Hingga sekarang, saya masih lagi meneruskan melakukan sex dengan boss saya ini.Untuk megelakkan suami saya tahu, semuanya dilakukan waktu siang hari waktu bekerja. Bukan sekadar dengan boss saya sahaja, kerana dia telah membawa saya kerumahnya dan rupa rupanya isterinya juga mengamalkan sex terbuka.Ada ketikanya saya dan isterinya melakukan lesbian manakala dia menonton dan ada ketikanya boss saya membawa rakan rakanya, semua berbangsa ingeris untuk pesta sex.
Saya telah jauh berubah dari dahulu, namun saya masih berjaya melindunginya dari pengetahuan suami dan keluarga saya atau pun kenalan kenalan saya. Saya tidak berubah dari pemakaian saperti baju kurung dan sebagainya saperti wanita wanita lain.Tidak berpakaian seksi, tetapi didalamnya,badan saya ini sudah jauh berbah.Jika ada yang tahu apa yang saya lakukan dengan boss saya dan rakan rakannya, pasti tidak akan percaya, kecuali jika mereka lihat sendiri.Saya harap, tiada siapa yang akan tahu.
More aboutAZIRA


Diposting oleh Unknown

As Angel lend over her bed watching Brad working on his 
car, she noticed as she fantasized about him that she
was rubbing her pussy back and forth across the edge of
her bedpost.

She thought to herself, enough of this bullshit, she
had to do something about this. She quickly went to the
bathroom and showered. Angel carefully did her hair and
makeup. She slowly patted on her imported talcum
powder. Tracing small circles about her hardened
nipples. She slid her powder blue cut-off tee shirt
over her head.

Turning, she smiled as she glanced in the mirror at the
sight of her erect nipples blushing through the thin
material. Fastening her carter belt about her waist,
she reached for the silk stockings she'd been saving
for just such an occasion.

"Oh, Shit!" which panties should she wear. Of course
she thought to herself, the red/black lace. What better
colors to wear when seducing a man. Damn, how her cunt

"Hi Brad," she breathed, bending over just enough to
allow him to see the swell of her rounded breast, while
running her tongue across her lips.

"Hey Angel!" Brad replied. Finally looking up to see
Angel's breast through the sheer tee shirt.

Angel noticed the bulge appear between Brad's thighs.
"Uhhm, it's awfully hot out here today, how about
taking a break and having a nice cold beer with me?"

"Lead the way Angel," Brad replied.

Once inside Angel turned on the stereo to some
pulsating rock. She got them both a beer and rolled a
few joints for them to share. As they chatted Angel
slowly slid her leg up onto the couch, allowing her
skirt to gently ride-up to reveal her lace panties.

"How about a shot-gun?" Angel said as she leaned over
to Brad.

He placed his hands upon her hips, sliding them down to
her well rounded ass. She inched back slightly so that
his fingers slid around to her clit. She threw the
roach into the ashtray. Angel slid her hands down
Brad's chest to rest upon his pants buckle. With deft
fingers she quickly undid his buckle and eased down his

She gingerly reached into his pants and pulled out his
erect cock. Lowering her head, she placed his prick
between her lips. Slowly she slid her tongue around the
edge of his head. Increasing the pressure she
systematically moved her tongue up and down his vein.

The scent, the taste of a man's cum was meant to be
tasted. As Brad's breathing increased Angel knew it was
time. Slowly she stood up and slid her skirt down her
legs to the floor. In one swift move she stepped out of
her skirt and slid her hand up to the right bow of her
underwear. Untying first the right and then the left
one. She slid her fingers between her wet lips,
slightly part them and allowing Brad a glimpse of her
engorge clit.

Christ, it was huge. Brad moved his hands along her
thighs, caressing her wet pussy. Parting her lips, he
placed his lips upon her mound. The sweet wetness of
her was almost enough to make him cum. Angel moved her
pussy back and forth in time to the music and Brad's
tongue. Brad gently pushed Angel back as he rose up
from the floor. Parting her legs he rubbed his cock
against her pussy until her found her beckoning hole.
Ramming his huge rod into her.

'Damn, it felt so good,' Angel thought. She raised her
legs across Brad's shoulders in order to feel his full
thrust. "Fuck me...Fuck me hard, Brad" Angel breathed.
"Make me cum... don't stop... c'mon faster, PLEASE, OH
cried as her body jerked as uncontrollable spasms of
pleasure overcame her.

Brad thrust, feeling Angel's cunt devour him with ever
spasm as her pussy came, he felt his prick burst as he
shot his hot cum deep inside her.

Angel smiled as she dressed; thinking her wonderful the
next time would be when she introduced Brad to her
friend Nikki. Mmmm, Nikki, what a tasty little pussy
she had thought Angel.



Diposting oleh Unknown on Minggu, 03 Februari 2013

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Diposting oleh Unknown

Ceritanya berlaku tak lama dulu, adalah 5 tahun lepas. Masa tu aku dan isteriku duduk menyewa di sebuah rumah di taman perumahan. Waktu tu aku ada seorang cahaya mata yg aku biasa letakkan di rumah org untuk di jaga di siang hari semasa aku dan isteriku pergi bekerja. aku bekerja di sebuah pelabuhan yg baru sementara isteriku pegawai kerajaan. Di sebelah rumah penjaga anak ku tinggallah sepasang suami-isteri yang mempunyai 5 org anak kecil. Suaminya ni seorang jurutera dan selalu kena bekerja di luar negara memantau project, kadang2 6 bulan baru pulang kerumah. Nama wanita ni Jue, tu yang isteri aku cerita pada aku, sebernanya dia dan isteriku selalu duduk bersembang bila masa nak menjemput anakku dari rumah penjaganya. Dari mulut isteriku ni banyaklah juga aku ketahui tentang dia ni, dah 10 tahun berkahwin dan selalu kena tinggal suaminya, umur Jue ni masa tu baru 28thn. dia ni pernah sekali ikut suami ke luar negara tapi kerana dia tak boleh sesuaikan diri masa di luar negara dia tak mahu ikut lagi suaminya tu lagipun dia kata anak2 kecil dan sekolah lagi. Dia lebih senang duduk d rumah saja bersama ank2 dia yg kecil tu. Masa aku pindah kat situ suami dia dah lebih 6 bulan tidak jenguk dia dan anak dia. Menurut isteri aku dia banyak juga bertanya tentang keluarga aku termaksuklah aku, kerja di mana, sebagai apa? dan lain-lain lagi. Di pendekkan cerita pada satu hari tu isteri aku outstation dan penjaga anakku tiada di rumah menziarah datuk yg tenat di kampung. Aku pula ambil cuti selama 3hari untuk menjaga anakku yg kecil tu. Inilah pertama kali aku menjaga anakku ni tanpa isteriku, entah macamana pada jam 10 mlm tu anakku ni meragam menangis tak berhenti-henti, dekat 30minit aku panik, terpikirkan pulak si Jue ni ada anak kecil mesti tahu apa sebabnya anak aku ni menangis tak henti2, tiba2 pintu rumah di ketuk org, aku pun bukalah pintu, tercegat Jue depan rumah aku, dia bertanya kenapa dgn anuakku ni tak henti-henti mnenangis, dia terus masuk ke rumah dan mengambil dan mendukung anakku tu, 10 minit lepas tu anakku diam, aku menjenguklah apa yg si Jue tu buat, rupanya dia sedang menyalinkan pampers anak aku.... Jue memanggil aku dan menyuruh aku buatkan susu, masa aku memberikan botol susu tu pada dia, kami secara tidak sengaja berpegangan tangan, dia senyum semua berlaku di dalam bilik tidur ku di atas katil ku, suasana menjadi begitu romantik pula, dia menyuapkan botol susu tu ke mulut anak aku, barulah aku terperasaan si Jue ni memakai baju tidur yg agak nipis dan agak low-cut sedikit, jadi sempatlah aku menjeling kearah buah dada dia,memang confirm dia tak pakai coli dan saiz yg aku kira agak lumayan juga berbanding dgn isteri ku punya. Aku tenung buah dadanya tu agak lama juga, aku kira dia pun perasan beb yg aku sedang perhatikan buah dadanya tu, Jue memaling ke arah aku dan sempat berkata...Hai dah ada yang bini punya masih nak pandang2 lagi orang lain punya ke..? Aku tersentak dan lamunan ku terhenti di situ, malunya aku bukan main lagi masa tu...dia sempat ketawa kecil..tapi yang agak memeranjatkan aku bila dia pandang kearah bonjolan pada kain aku tu...memanglah masa tu aku pakai kain pelikat dgn t-shirt je, batang seludang aku ni pulak menegang...aduh malunya aku...matanya mengerling kepada ku dari atas ke bawah..... Macamanalah...apa aku nak buat, aku terus keluar dari bilik tu, 30 minit kemudian Jue keluar dan berkata yg baby aku dah lena tidur...aku ucapkan terimakasih padanya..dia senyum dan berkata mana upahnya...sambil menuju kearah aku, aku jadi mengelabah tak keruan, waktu tu dah nak masuk tengahmalam. Bila Jue dah dekat dgn aku jantung aku berdegup dgn kencang entah macamana aku terus sambar badan Jue memeluknya dgn erat di pingggangnya dan terus beri dia kucupan ke aaarah bibirnya, Jue seperti terkejut dan tidak menyangka akan tindakan kilat aku tu, mulanya dia seperti menolak kucupan aku, aku seperti di possess...mungkin setan dah menghampiri diri kami, Jue jadi lemah dan dia secara semulajadi memberi respon pada settiap kucupan yg singgah di bibirnya itu....akhirnya kami berkucupan tanpa rasa gementar atau takut lagi, Jue seperti meminta lebih dari kucupan aje dari gerak geri dan cara dia melayan aku...aku terus merangkul tubuh Jue dan membaringkan dia di atas sofa kulit yang aku beli dari Italy, aku menindih tubuh Jue yang tengah kegersangan, dengan rakusnya aku meramas-ramas buah dada Jue, aku dengar Jue mengerang dan mengeliatkan badannya, dia membisikkan satu perkataan pada telinga aku, aaahbang Jue dah tak tahan, Jue merelakan aaabangggnya..... Itulah katanya yg terakhir yang aku dengar, aku dengan automatik melucutkan kain dan baju aku, kemudian aku merentap baju tidur yang Jue pakai...abis koyak baju tu....dia tidak membantah malah dia membantu ku dengan menanggalkan cebisan kain yang masih terlekat di tubuhnya itu....... Aku terpaksa berhenti di sini dulu, sambung di kemudian hari...Jue dah datang ke rumah ku...Aku nak main pepek Jue puas-puas sebab dah 2 bulan dia tak jenguk aku....
More aboutJIRAN


Diposting oleh Unknown

Rob Connors sat alone in the small anteroom just off 
the foyer. He could hear, but not see what was
happening in the larger room across. The doors to both
rooms remained open and the hard tile surface of the
entry way served to make the sound carry with
surprising clarity. He had listened intently as the
sharp click of high-heeled pumps sounded on the hard
surface and then softened slightly as they reached the
hardwood flooring in the larger room.

It was his wife who was now standing in the entry way
of the larger room. He was so aroused by what was
happening that his heart pounded and his breathing
became ragged. His erection tugged against the crotch
of his slacks.

Diane had dressed carefully... as she knew was
expected. She smoothed the skirt on her blue knit dress
and walked into the room. The heels of her navy colored
high-heeled pumps clicked dully on the hardwood floor.

She blushed as she looked at the muscular man who sat
looking at her with a bemused grin on his face.
Stopping just inside the door, the lovely blonde
grasped the hem of her dress skirt, raised it high on
her nylon covered thighs, placed one high-heeled pump
behind the other and curtsied. The man nodded his

The lovely blonde then stepped out of first one and
then the other of her high heels, leaving them standing
upright in front of her. She stood in her stocking feet
on the hard floor. Her legs, ankles and feet were
attractively displayed in the taupe color, reinforced
toe nylon stockings she wore.

The curtsy was a gesture of respect. Removing her shoes
was a sign of her submission... a requirement of her
new master who smiled and said, "Very good, Mrs.
Connors, continue..."

The sound of the male voice controlling his wife sent a
jolt of excitement through Rob. He so wanted to get
up... to peek around the corner, across the hall...
watching. Instead, he remained seated and let his hand
touch his crotch.

Diane Connors reached behind herself and lowered the
back zipper of her dress. Sliding the garment down
exposing her lacy lingerie and darker stocking tops,
she stepped out of it. She padded in her stocking feet
to a nearby chair and laid the garment on it.

Returning to her high-heeled pumps she once again
stepped into them. The rules were simple... dress on,
shoes off; dress off, heels on.

The attractive, thirty-eight year old blonde turned and
faced the seated man once again. She was wearing a
white lingerie set consisting of lacy top brassiere,
panties and garter belt which was attached to the
darker top bands of her taupe shade nylon stockings.
She stood with her nylon covered ankles and navy high-
heeled pumps held tightly together with her arms at her
sides... the position of attention... as she suffered
the greedy inspection of the thick-set man.

At his signal, she walked forward before him enduring
his inspection as his eyes wandered from her attractive
face, down her lingerie clad torso, further down her
nylon covered legs to the pointed toes of her high-
heeled pumps. Diane held her position until he signaled
with his hand and she dropped slowly to her nylon
covered knees in front of him. The lovely lingerie clad
woman knelt on her nylon covered knees, legs straight
out behind her, the toes of her pumps on the floor.

Having heard the rustling of clothing and then the
clicking on his wife's high heels on the floor, moving
farther into the room, Rob could not contain himself.
He undid his zipper and let his pulsing shaft flop out
of his pants. Greedily his hand grasped it.

Looking up, Diane's hands went to the man's pants,
unbuckling his belt and lowering the zipper. Reaching
her dainty hand into his shorts, she pulled out the
long, thick shaft which was already hard with pent up
lust. Doing as she knew she must, she moved her head
forward, opened her mouth wide and slid her lips over
the end of the massive cock. Slowly she began bobbing
her head up and down, saliva forming in her mouth as
she did.

"Lovely, Mrs. Connors," the seated man said as he
caressed her blonde hair. "You have learned your place
well. Now serve me... but first show your gratitude by
telling me what you are doing."

Diane had little choice but to comply with his request
to further debase herself. She had removed her dress,
dropped to her nylon covered knees, unzipped his fly
and with absolutely no waiting, she had thrust his
massive, waiting cock to her lips.

"I am on my knees... sucking your... cock as sign of my

Diane slowly opened her mouth. Placing his hands behind
her blonde-haired head, he eased her forward so his
cock went deeply into her mouth. Diane used her mouth
as if it were a hot pussy. The lovely married woman
bobbed her head up and down, trying not to gag.

Listening to his wife being ordered to her knees and
admitting to sucking cock sent Rob to the edge. His
hand excitedly stroked his cock. Precum leaked freely.
He didn't care as she stroked and listened intently.

The now excited man urged Diane to increase the tempo
of her sucking. Diane could feel the head of his cock
starting to throb, then suddenly he pulled his cock out
of her mouth. He quickly grabbed it and aimed it at her

"Open wide, Mrs. Connors!" he said in a husky voice,
"You are about to receive a nice hot load of cum, your
first of many!"

The thick-bodied man suddenly moaned in ecstasy as he
continued to pump his cock and then... the shock of hot
sperm shooting on her face, onto her lips, into her
mouth and on her tongue.

He aimed his cock so not a drop was wasted, then thrust
it back into her mouth, so it acted as a plug!

He continued to fill her mouth with his cum. "Swallow,
Mrs. Connors," he said in a taunting voice, "You are
going to have to get used to having me use your mouth
as I please."

The man kept his cock in her mouth until Diane
swallowed every remaining drop of his cum.

"Oooooh, very good, Mrs. Connors," he chortled, "I am
sure that you will become a superb cock sucker and my
friends will be delighted!"

Across the hall, Rob Connors spurted nearly in unison
with the man whose cock his wife had dutifully sucked
on her nylon covered knees. The thought of his lovely
wife stripped to her lingerie, nylons and high-heeled
pumps and then kneeling to suck cock send him over the
edge. Hot cum spurted and sprayed the rug in front of
him. Trying to get his handkerchief from his pocket, he
collapsed back in his chair. He would be told when he
could put his now dangling shaft back into his pants.

The Beginning...

The upscale event at the hotel had been a fun evening.
Maybe the wine had clouded her judgment, but the man
had seemed so helpful as he offered to direct her to
the parking garage. Instead she had found herself in an
unoccupied room.

Diane had noticed the bulge in his pants with horror.
The excited man had moved forward and tried to press
his crotch against Diane's expensive, sleeveless black
cocktail dress.

She had pulled away nearly tripping in the tall black
leather high-heeled pumps on her nylon covered feet.

"No!" the man had spoken sharply, using a tone of voice
calculated to establish control.

"You're not leaving yet. You're going to suck me off
first." He had waited while the frightened woman
digested his words before continuing. The thought of
the executive's snooty wife being forced to wrap her
sexy lips around his cock had been irresistible. "And I
am not going to cum until you do it right! Do you

Once again, Diane had listened looking startled at this
requirement, but nodding her agreement. Trying to buy
time in hope of an escape, she would have agreed to

The man had then continued his verbal assault on Diane.
The distraught woman had been ordered to her nylon
covered knees and waited quietly, head down, seemingly
resigned to her fate. Her skirt, modest by intent, had
ridden high on her rump, exposing the darker top bands
of her nylon stockings and long, slender nylon encased
legs and bare thighs right up to her panties. The man
had leaned down to whisper some final orders in the
frightened woman's ear. "Keep your hands behind your
back, holding up the hem of your skirt, Diane!"

Diane, crying, had moved to obey. Her trembling hands
had hesitantly pulled her short skirt up, completely
exposing her nylons, lingerie and backside.

"Now," he had continued, rubbing his crotch, "I'm going
to spank you until your new friend is ready to cum, so
you'd be well advised to give him your best efforts!"

He had patted Diane's head for effect. Feeling the
man's hand Diane had knelt up on her nylon covered
knees and the pointed toes of her high heels on the
carpet... waiting for her 'new friend'. She had looked
up to see that the man was standing in front of her,
his cock hanging limply from the fly of his trousers.

"You new friend's not very stiff yet," he had said,
smirking down at the executive's attractive wife who
knelt with her skirt pulled up over her nylons. "But
don't worry, he will be by the time you're finished."

This had been too much for Diane. Mouth held firmly
closed, she had turned her head away from his dangling
cock. He had bent over the humiliated woman and raised
his palm. SLAP!

"Ow!" Diane cried, recoiling from the impact. She had
instinctively dropped her hands to protect her
reddening bottom side.

"Stay Still!" the man had ordered, "And keep those
hands on your skirt!"

Sobbing, Diane had obeyed, once again pulling her skirt
up on her nylon covered thighs to expose her darker
stocking tops. "Now open your mouth," she was ordered.
"Unless you want to be spanked some more..."


Diane had trembled as his large hand was once again
brought painfully down onto her exposed bottom. But
following orders, she had opened her mouth as wide as
it would go. The demanding man had looked down at Diane
Connors, enjoying the sight of her pouting lips opening
to accommodate his stiffening member. He had decided
that he could get used to this. As he had slipped his
cock in, he showed her palm again, and Diane had
started energetically sucking on him. A few seconds
later the large man had grown visibly harder inside her

"Come on my dear, Mrs. Connors! Open up. Let me see
your pretty little tongue licking your new master's
cock!" He had watched in delight as the compliant wife
obediently ran her pink tongue all around his cock
head, collecting his salty juices as she licked. The
man was soon groaning in pleasure at the sight of the
woman kneeling before him in absolute submission.
Impulsively, he had put his hand behind her head and
forced it towards him, sliding his cock down her

"Let me feel your throat around me, Mrs. Connors!" he
had ordered, voice hoarse, as he slid his length of
throbbing manhood deep into her face. "Aaahhh - feels
so good!" The sight of the executive's wife sucking his
cock had heightened his feeling.

Gasping for air, Diane had tried to pull back, but her
assailant had held her head so that she had no option
but to take the whole penis deep in her throat. Gagging
and choking, Diane had accommodated it as best she
could. The sucking had continued for some time. When
the man had reacted like he was just about to cum, he
had suddenly pulled his cock out of her mouth.

"Time for act two," he had declared. "I want to cum in
your hair, on your face and your dress, Diane. Lick and
touch me until I cum all over you!"

Diane, momentarily unrestrained, had tried to stand up.
She had wanted desperately to get away! No job could be
worth this degradation. It had been a futile effort,
however. As she had begun to pull herself to her feet,
the man had grabbed her by her shoulder and forced her
back to her knees. She had knelt again with nylon
covered knees together and black high-heeled pumps
placed with heels together and toes pointed squarely at
the floor.

There had been no escape. Hand firmly gripping her
hair, he had leaned forward and whispered: "I'm going
to give you thirty seconds, Diane, dear. If I'm not
finished in time - if I haven't cum all over you - then
I will be cumming up your ass. It's your choice!"

Fresh sobs wracking her, Diane had started frantically
licking and sucking at the man's cock, pre-cum dripping
down her lovely face and smearing her carefully applied
make-up. She had used her long, slim fingers to
masturbate the man while bobbing her mouth up and down
on his cock head.

She had felt her hair being tussled as the man wrapped
it around his cock using it as a make-shift cunt. Then
the man had pulled open the arm hole of her dress,
pushing his cock under her bra strap and against her
shoulder. He had pushed his cock down into her
cleavage, masturbating it up and down.

For her tormentor, however, it had still not been
enough. "You've got twenty seconds, Mrs. Connors!" he
had warned, gritting his teeth. "Say slutty things
about yourself while you get me off!"

The terrified socialite, her mouth off his cock, after
coughing, began to speak. "I'm a slut..." she had said,
her voice faltering as she cried in shame. "I'm..."

"Be more dirty!" he had demanded patting Diane's tear-
stained face. Diane had choked back her sobs and obeyed
as best she could. The man whose cock she had been
sucking began to run his hand up and down its well-
greased length, all the time keeping it pointed
directly at her face.

"Cum... Cum on my face!" she had cried. Desperate to
make the man cum before he carried out his threat of
raping her ass, she had begun to lick at the cock in
front of her, speaking as best she could between

"Make me a sticky mess. Cover me and make me your cum
bitch." Acting as quickly as she could, Diane had
serviced the cock, licking, sucking, rubbing,
kissing... doing everything possible to make him cum
all over her.

"Say your name... tell me what you are," the man
groaned. This was the ultimate degradation, but Diane
complied, "I'm Mrs. Diane Connors. I'm a dirty...cock
sucker. I'm a slut... I'm a bitch... Cum all over me!"

That had done it. The cock in her hand had begun to

"In your face, Mrs. Connors!" the man had hissed,
grabbing Diane's hand and directing the cock as the
first string of sperm flew through the air and landed
on her face and in her pretty brown hair, by that time
mussed by the handling it had been given. The standing
man had emitted a deep groan, his cum then spraying the
upper part of her tits and dress and dripping down
towards the raised skirt and nylons beneath.

Humiliated, but thankful to have succeeded in making
the man cum at last, Diane had squeezed every last drop
from the man's cock, aiming it all somewhere on
herself. Jets of thick, white cum had sprayed her face,
hair and dress. When he was finished he had stood back
to admire his work.

Diane had remained kneeling, gasping. Her expensive
dress was by then stained with white sperm, the thick
fluid dripping down the material as it congealed and
dried. Smears of glistening white sperm had marked,
slug-like, the trails it had taken down her face and
upper chest, and her hair had spots matted with
glistening cum.

"You make a good cum pig!" had remarked the freshly
sated man, laughing at the kneeling, crying woman.

"Fancy someone finding you looking like this in a
bedroom with another man!" he had taunted. "What a
slut! And for the wife of someone in a position of
responsibility in the organization? What would the
other employees think? What would Mr. Connors think!"

Diane had seemed momentarily taken aback. Her
humiliation had shown on her face. The man had sighed
dramatically, "I hardly think that you could show your
face around here if word got out about your...

Diane had just sniffled as if not understanding. He had
laughed delightedly. "But of course," he had continued,
"I would be glad to lend my assistance." He had looked
at Diane, who still dripping with cum, had struggled to
her feet pulling her dress skirt down as she did.

"Very good, Mrs. Connors," he had murmured, "I'm sure
you want this to remain our little secret... and you
will do as I say to keep it that way."

"Y-yes," Diane had nodded in consent. She had no choice
but to play along. Little did she know that her
debasement would not remain hidden from her husband for
long and he would be drawn in, as well.

Having finished, the man had turned to leave, ordering
Diane to wait until he was long gone. She had obeyed,
standing with her head bowed in shame, looking at a
large glob of cum on the toe of her high-heeled pump.



Diposting oleh Unknown on Sabtu, 02 Februari 2013

Namaku Ana.. Pertama kali aku berhubungan seks adalah tak lain dan tak bukan bersama ayah kandungku sendiri. Ceritanya begini. Saat itu umurku baru 14 tahun.. Ibuku telah meninggalkan kami sejak aku kecil lagi untuk mencari kehidupan mewah bersama lelaki lain. Ayahku pula seorang peniaga alat sukan. Aku seorang anak tunggal. Ketika umurku 14 tahun aku menpunyai tubuh seperti perempuan dalam lingkungan umur 20an. Aku mempunyai dada yang mampat. Saiz coliku pada waktu itu adalah 38C. Pinggangku masih dalam 24inch dan punggungku saiz 36. Sepanjng hidup kecilku sentiasa dengan ayah. segala permintaanku, dia akan cuba turuti memandangkan aku adalah anaknya seorang dan disayangiku bagai menatang minyak yang penuh. Saat umurku 12 tahun ayah pernah cuba berdating dengan perempuan lain tapi tak ada jodoh... ada mak janda, ada mak dara... sampai tiba masanya dia kata padaku; 'Ana... Ana tak rasa sunyi ke tak ada Ibu atau adik beradik?'tanya Ayah 'Tak pun.. Ana happy camnie.. Kenapa Ayah taknak kahwin ngan orang lain? tanyaku balik 'Entahlah.. barangkali tak ada perempuan yang boleh ganti ibu kamu... Ayah pun lebih ok camnie.. Ada anak dara satu pon dah pening kepala..' seloroh Ayah. Ayahku orangnya tinggi lampai dan mempunyai badan yang tegap.. maklumlah bekas seorang bodybuilder tempatan saat mudanya. Kini dia masih menjaga badannya dengan baik sebab dia menpunyai alat gym yang lengkap di rumah. Segala tentang dirinya masih lagi kelihatan muda. Setakat rambut putih kelihat sedikit. Dia mempunyai senyuman yang cukup menawan. Teman2 sekolahku pun pernah menyatakan bahawa Ayahku handsome orangnye.. Kadang aku juga berasa megah menpunyai ayah seperti Ayahku.. Sebelum hari lahirku yang ke 16, Ayah bertanya apa aku inginkan untuk hadiah.. Aku hanya meminta Ayah mengajak aku bercuti di Langkawi and seutas beg LV kerana kebetulan hari lahirku jatuh pada cuti sekolah. Ayah menyatakan semuanaya sudahpun diatur seperti yang ku mahu.. Sejak aku baligh, aku sentiasa ada teringin tahu apakah rasanya seorang berhubungan seks.. Adakah seperti buku novel romance yang aku baca di khutubkhanah? Aku sering bermimpi membayang diriku sedang hangat bersetubuh bersama lelaki yang tak ku kenali... Aku sering terasa basah seluar dalamku pada esok pagi kerana mimpiku. Tak pernahpun aku meceritakan tentang mimpiku itu pada Ayah. Pada hari lahirku kami berdua beranak tiba di Casa Del Mar.. Sangat romantis dan cantik hotel itu..Seperti yang aku bayangkan. Kami tiba di waktu senja dan just in time for makan malam. Aku dihadiahi beg idamanku dan juga kek hari jadiku yang indah.. Aku berasa sangat gembira.Di saat itu aku memakai baju off shoulder hitam yang pendek yang kelihatan seksi dibeli sebelum hari lahirku. Setelah makan malam aku dan ayah berjalan di taman open air itu sambil berbual 'Ana.. happy tak hari ni? 'Happy ayah... rasa macam puteri kayangan' kataku ' Ana, you have always been my princess.. Ana istimewa pada diri ayah' kata ayahku sambil memelukku. Di saat pelukkan Ayah; aku mula dadaku berdegup dengan kuat..Seperti kejutan elektik.. Aku tak tahu mengapa. Ayah terus mencium pipiku.. Aku rasa terpegun.. Ciuman itu bukan seperti ciuman saat kecilku tapi ciuman seperti seorang lelaki dan perempuan.. Aku hanya tersenyum tapi hatiku seperti inginkan sesuatu. 'Ayahh.. ana rasa ngantuk nak tidur la ayah.. 'Mari kita pulang ke bilik masing2' kata Ayahku Bilikku dan Ayahku adalah adjoining suite. maksudnya ada pintu antara dua bilik. Aku masuk ke bilikku laku mula membuka baju dan berbogel untuk mandi..Saat aku mula membuka shower, tiba2 aku terasa tangan memegangku.. aku berpaling dan alagkah terkejutnya apabila Ayah yang berseluar pendek datang memelukku lagi... Kali ini perasaanku tidak boleh terbendung lagi... Ayah mula mencium leherku... Aaahhh. sensitifnya tempat itu... 'Ayah... kenapa kita rasa begini...' aku berdesah 'Ayah sendiri tidak tahu... Ana terlalu cantik seperti ibumu..Maafkan Ayah tapi Ayah tidak boleh terbendung perasaan Ayah terhadap Ana.. kata Ayahku sambil memeluk mendakap dan mencium pipiku..Tangannya mula rasa liang tubuhku yang basah.. Ayah... Ana tak tahan.. dengan ciuman Ayah nie.. Ana... Ayah sayangkan Ana.. 'Ana juga Ayah.. Ayah tak sanggup... Ana anak Ayah.. tapi... Tapi apa Ayah..?? ' aku mengeluh... Ayah terus mendukungku lagi membaringkanku atas katilku.. Dia terus mencium mulutku bertubi- tubi... hairannya aku turut menciuminya.. Tanganya meraba buah dadaku yang montok ini.. Ayah.... I think I am in love with you Ayah!!! Ana love Ayah.. I want to be your lover Ayah... Sambil mengisap buah dadaku; ayah berkata.. Are you sure Ana??? Apa yang Ayah lakukan, there is no turning back.. Ana sanggup ayah... Ana nakkan Ayah!! Aku terus merangkul Ayah lalu menjilat lehernya.. Ayah terus membuka seluar pendeknya... Alangkan terkejutnya aku melihat senjata Ayahaku... untuk pertama kalinya.. Ana... Ana takkan menyesal.. Ayah akan bahagiakan Ana.. Ayah takkan tinggalkankan Ana.. "Kau sungguh cantik. Kini kau sudah dewasa. Tubuhmu indah dan jauh lebih berisi.., mmpphh..", katanya sambil menciumi bibirku, mencoba membuka bibirku dengan lidahnya. Aku seakan terpesona oleh pujiannya. Cumbu rayunya begitu menggairahkanku. Begitu lembut dan hati-hati. Hatiku semakin melambung tinggi mendengar semua kekagumannya terhadap tubuhku. Wajahku yang cantik, tubuhku yang indah dan kini jauh lebih berisi. Payudaraku yang membusung penuh dan menggantung indah di dada. Permukaan perut yang rata, pinggul yang membulat padat berisi menyambung dengan buah pantatku yang ‘jack’. Diwajah ayah kulihat memperlihatkan ekspresi kekaguman yang tak terhingga saat matanya menatap nanar ke arah lembah bukit di sekitar selangkanganku yang dipenuhi bulu-bulu hitam lebat, kontras dengan warna kultiku yang putih mulus. Kurasakan tangannya mengelus paha bagian dalam. Aku mendesis dan tanpa sadar membuka kedua kakiku yang tadinya merapat. Ayah... show me your love please... Ayah menempatkan diri di antara kedua kakiku yang terbuka lebar. Kurasakan koneknya ditempelkan pada bibir kemaluanku. Digesek-gesek, mulai dari atas sampai ke bawah. Naik turun. Aku merasa ngilu bercampur geli dan nikmat. Cairan yang masih tersisa di sekitar itu membuat gesekannya semakin lancar karena licin. Aku terengah-engah merasakannya. Kelihatannya dia sengaja melakukan itu. Apalagi saat moncong koneknya itu menggesek-gesek kelentitku yang sudah menegang. Ayah menatap tajam melihat reaksiku. Aku balas menatap seolah memintanya untuk segera memasuki diriku secepatnya. Tiba2 aku macam sudah rasa mcm seorang professional sedang ini kali pertama... Ayah serperti tahu apa yang kurasakan saat itu. Namun kelihatannya ia ingin melihatku menderita oleh siksaan nafsuku sendiri. Kuakui memang aku sudah tak tahan untuk segera menikmati batang koneknya dalam pukiku. Aku ingin segera membuatnya ‘KO’. Terus terang aku sangat kagum dengan keperkasaannya. Kuingin buktikan bahwa aku sanggup membuatnya cepat-cepat mencapai puncak kenikmatan. Ayah.... cepat... 'Cepat apa sayang?.... Cepatlah.... Ana nak ayah buat apa? CEPAT MASUKKAN KONEK AYAM DALAM PUKI ANA!!!!! Aku macam tak percaya dengan kata2ku itu.. Baiklah sayang. Tapi pelan-pelan ya// inikan kali pertama Ana, kata ayahku dengan penuh kemenangan telah berhasil menaklukan diriku. Aku menunggu cukup lama gerakan konek ayah memasuki diriku. Serasa tak sampai-sampai. Selain besar, konek ayah cukup panjang juga. Aku sampai menahan nafas saat batangnya terasa mampat di dalam. Rasanya sampai ke ulu hati. Aku baru bernafas lega ketika seluruh batangnya amblas di dalam. Ayah mulai menggerakkan pinggulnya perlahan-lahan. Satu, dua dan tiga tusukan mulai berjalan lancar. Semakin membanjirnya cairan dalam liang memekku membuat konek ayah keluar masuk dengan ketatnya. Aku mengimbangi dengan gerakan pinggulku. Meliuk perlahan. Naik turun mengikuti irama tusukannya. Sakit mula terasa.. Gerakan kami semakin lama semakin meningkat cepat dan bertambah liar. Gerakanku sudah tidak beraturan karena yang penting bagiku tusukan itu mencapai bagian-bagian peka di dalam relung kewanitaanku. Ayah tahu apa yang kuinginkan. Ia bisa mengarahkan batangnya dengan tepat ke sasaran. Aku bagaikan berada di surga merasakan kenikmatan yang luar biasa ini. Batang ayahku mengisi penuh seluruh isi liangku, tak ada sedikitpun ruang yang tersisa hingga gesekan batang itu sangat terasa pedih di seluruh dinding vaginaku. "Aduuhh.. auuffhh.., nngghh..", aku meintih, melenguh dan mengerang merasakan semua kenikmatan ini. Kembali aku mengakui keperkasaan dan kelihaian ayahku di atas ranjang. Ia begitu hebat, jantan dan entah apalagi sebutan yang pantas kuberikan padanya. Yang pasti aku merasakan kepuasan tak terhingga bercinta dengannya meski kusadari perbuatan ini sangat terlarang dan akan mengakibatkan permasalahan besar nantinya. Tetapi saat itu aku sudah tak perduli dan takkan menyesali kenikmatan yang kualami. Sedap tak terhingga... Ayah sedapnya rasa konek ayahhh.... Hentaklah kuat2! Ayah bergerak semakin cepat. Kontolnya bertubi-tubi menusuk daerah-daerah sensitive. Aku meregang tak kuasa menahan desiran-desiran yang mulai berdatangan seperti gelombang mencecah pertahananku. Sementara ayah dengan gagahnya masih mengayunkan pinggulnya naik turun, ke kiri dan ke kanan. Eranganku semakin keras terdengar seiring dengan gelombang dahsyat yang semakin mendekati puncaknya. Melihat reaksiku, ayah mempercepat gerakannya. Batang konek yang besar dan panjang itu keluar masuk dengan cepatnya seakan tak memperdulikan liangku yang sempit itu akan terkoyak akibatnya. Kulihat tubuh ayah sudah basah bermandikan keringat. Aku pun demikian. Tubuhku yang berkeringat nampak mengkilat terkena sinar lampu kamar. Aku mencuba meraih tubuh ayah untuk mendekapnya. Dan disaat-saat kritikal, aku berhasil memeluknya dengan erat. Kurengkuh seluruh tubuhnya sehingga menindih tubuhku dengan erat. Kurasakan tonjolan otot-ototnya yang masih keras dan pejal di sekujur tubuhku. Kubenamkan wajahku di samping bahunya. Pinggul kuangkat tinggi-tinggi sementara keduan tanganku menggapai buah pantatnya dan menekannya kuat-kuat. Kurasakan semburan demi semburan memancar kencang dari dalam diriku. Aku meregang seperti ayam yang baru dipotong. Tubuhku mengejang-ngejang di atas puncak kenikmatan yang kualami untuk kedua kalinya saat itu. "Ayah.., oohh.., Yaahh..", hanya itu yang bisa keluar dari mulutku saking dahsyatnya kenikmatan yang kualami bersamanya. "Sayang nikmatilah semua ini. Ayah ingin kamu dapat merasakan kepuasan yang belum pernah kamu alami", bisik ayah dengan mesranya. "Ayah sayang padamu, ayah cinta padamu. Ayah ingin melepaskan kerinduan yang tersimpan selama ini..", lanjutnya tak henti-henti membisikan untaian kata-kata indah yang terdengar begitu romantik. Aku mendengarnya dengan perasaan tak menentu. Kenapa ini datangnya dari lelaki yang bukan semestinya kusayangi. Mengapa keindahan ini kualami bersama ayahku sendiri? Kurasakan ciumannya di bibirku berhasil membangkitkan tenunganku kembali gairahku. Aku masih gian dengannya. Sampai saat ini ayah belum juga mencapai puncaknya. Aku seperti mempunyai utang yang belum terbayar. Kali ini aku bertekad keras untuk membuatnya mengalami kenikmatan seperti apa yang telah dia berikan kepadaku. Aku sadar kenapa diriku menjadi ghairah untuk melakukannya dengan sepenuh hati. Timbulnya pikiran ini membuatku semakin bergairah. Apalagi sejak tadi ayah terus-terusan menggerakan kontolnya di dalam memekku. Tiba-tiba saja aku jadi beringas. Kudorong tubuh ayah hingga terlentang. Aku langsung menindihnya dan menicumi wajah, bibir dan sekujur tubuhnya. Kembali kuselomoti batang kontolnya yang tegak bagai tiang pancang beton itu. Lidahku menjilat-jilat, mulutku mengemut-emut. Tanganku mengocok-ngocok batangnya. Kulirik ayah kelihatannya menyukai perubahanku ini. Belum sempat ia akan mengucapkan sesuatu, aku langsung berjongkok dengan kedua kaki bertumpu pada lutut dan masing-masing berada di samping kiri dan kanan tubuh ayah. Selangkanganku berada persis di atas batangnya. "Akh sayang!" pekik ayahku tertahan ketika batangnya kubimbing memasuki liang pukiku. Tubuhku turun perlahan-lahan, menelan habis seluruh batangnya. Selanjutnya aku bergerak seperti sedang menunggang kuda. Tubuhku melonjak-lonjak seperti kuda liar yang sedang birahi. Aku tak ubahnya seperti pelacur yang sedang memberikan kepuasan kepada pelanggan. Tetapi aku tak perduli. Aku terus berpacu. Pinggulku bergerak turun naik, sambil sekali-sekali meliuk seperti ular. Gerakan pinggulku persis seperti penyanyi dangdut dengan gaya gelek bergetar dan entah gaya apalagi. Pokoknya malam itu aku mengeluarkan semua jurus yang kumiliki dan khusus kupersembahkan kepada ayahku sendiri! Pinggulku mengaduk-aduk lincah, mengulek liar tanpa henti. Tangan ayah mencengkeram kedua buah dadaku, diremas dan dicubit2. Ayah lalu bangkit setengah duduk. Wajahnya dibenamkan ke atas dadaku. Menciumi putting susuku. Menghisapnya kuat-kuat sambil meremas-remas. Kami berdua saling berlomba memberi kepuasan. Kami tidak lagi merasakan panasnya udara meski hotel menggunakan AC. Tubuh kami bersimbah peluh, membuat tubuh kami jadi lekat satu sama lain. Aku berkutat mengaduk-aduk pinggulku. Ayah menggoyangkan pantatnya. Kurasakan tusukan kontolnya semakin cepat seiring dengan liukan pinggulku yang tak kalah cepatnya. Permainan kami semakin meningkat dahsyat. Ayahhhh..... hentakkan lagi.... Sedappppppp.... Ooohhh Anaaaa..... Katil dan bantal serta guling terlempar berserakan di lantai akibat pergulatan kami yang bertambah liar dan tak terkendali. Kurasakan ayah mulai memperlihatkan tanda-tanda. Aku semakin bersemangat memacu pinggulku untuk bergoyang. Mungkin goyangan pinggulku akan membuat iri para penyanyi dangdut saat ini. Tak selang beberapa detik kemudian, akupun merasakan desakan yang sama. Aku tak ingin terkalahkan kali ini. Kuingin ia pun merasakannya. Tekadku semakin kuat. Aku terus memacu sambil menjerit-jerit histeria. Aku sudah tak perduli suaraku akan terdengar kemana-mana. Kali ini aku harus menang! Upayaku ternyata tidak percuma. Kurasakan tubuh ayah mulai mengejang-ngejang. Ia mengerang panjang. Menggeram seperti harimau terluka. Aku pun merintih persis kuda betina liar yang sedang birahi. "Eerrgghh.. oouugghh..!" ayah berteriak panjang, tubuhnya menghentak-hentak liar. Tubuhku terbawa goncangannya. Aku memeluknya erat-erat agar jangan sampai terpental oleh goncangannya. Mendadak aku merasakan semburan dahsyat menyirami seluruh relung vaginaku. Pancutan begitu kuat dan banyak membanjiri liangku. Akupun rasanya tidak kuat lagi menahan desakan dalam diriku. Sambil mendesakan pinggulku kuat-kuat, aku berteriak panjang saat mencapai puncak kenikmatan bersenggama dengan ayahku. Tubuh kami bergulingan di atas katil sambil berpelukan erat. Saking dahsyatnya, tubuh kami terjatuh dari katil Untunglah katil itu tidak terlalu tinggi dan permukaan lantainya tertutup permadani tebal yang empuk sehingga kami tidak sampai terluka... Nikmatnya tak terkata.... Selama tiga hari kami di hotel... kami bersetubuh tanpa henti seperti pasangan yang berbulan madu.. Hingga sekarang aku masih bersetubuh dengan ayahku... .. Kami sudah berpindah ke laur negara agar boleh hidup sebagai sepasang suami isteri... Kami kahwin secara sivil.. Belum lagi dikurniai anak.. Aku tidak menyesal atas perbuatan kami... malah aku recommend it.. Sayng ayah tak sama seperti jejaka mcm mat rempit etc... Konek ayah sangat fantastik... Bye... Ayah sudah panggil untuk bersetubuh lagi..
More aboutAYAH


Diposting oleh Unknown

Paula arrived home from shopping to find the house 
empty. It was a nice break from her normal days with two
kids and her husband John waiting for her. Married for
15 years, Paula enjoyed a pretty routine life with
husband, kids, and school. She frequently thought about
talking with John about doing something spontaneous,
something exciting. But, Paula never found the courage.
She and John were married fifteen years ago.

Paula was a virgin, and although John was patient with
her sexually, their sex was as routine as the rest of
their lives. John attempted to spice things up and
sometimes asked Paula to dress sexy or to go braless,
but Paula was self-conscious about her body. At five
feet five inches tall and 120 pounds, at 35 years of
age, Paula felt that the two children took a toll on her
young body.

Although John disagreed, Paula felt her 34C breasts
sagged and her tummy show the results of being stretched
to bear two children and her ass was not as firm as when
they married. Being self-conscious about this appearance
prevented Paula from being adventurous outside the

Even though Paula was a virgin when she and John met,
she had progressed to making love doggy-style, which
John seemed to enjoy. Paula also sucked John off
occasionally, but even after 15 years, she still refused
to swallow his semen.

It was a collection of all these thoughts that prompted
Paula to go shopping that afternoon. Now in their
bedroom, Paula took the red matching bra and bikini
panties she purchased and sundress out and stripped out
of her jeans and sweater. Paula looked in the mirror and
her naked body.

She pushed her breasts upwards and rubbed her hand
across her stomach and sighed, but was determined to try
and be a bit sexier for John this weekend. Paula thought
about shaving her privates bald, John also hinted he
would like that, but she decided against it and walked
over and slipped into the panties and bra.

Paula looked again in the mirror. The bra pushed her 34C
breasts upward making them look larger. Paula liked that
and raised the sundress over her head and pulled it
down. The dress fell just above her knees and two thin
straps held up the scoop neck. Paula frowned as she
looked in the mirror and saw the tops of her breasts

"This will never do," Paula thought and turned to find
some shoes.

Les knocked twice and heard no one so he entered the
house to find John. Les was about 50 years old and he
and John were good friends, "drinking buddies" from the
pub. John was to meet him at the house so the two could
go out together. Les was a large man, over 6 feet and
200 pounds. Even though they had known each other for
five years, Les never met John at the house before.

He hoped John's wife, Paula was home. When John would
bring Paula to the pub, Les always drooled at the
prospect of having his way with her. He even mentioned
to John once that he though Paula was a real looker. Les
walked quietly through the house searching for John when
he heard footprints upstairs.

Les walked quietly up the stairs and saw the bedroom
door partially opened. He pushed it aside and saw Paula
in the bright red sundress, bent at the waist, looking
into the closet.

"Man, what an ass," Les thought and he decided he would
have her right now.

Paula was looking for the right shoes in the closet when
she felt as if someone was watching her. Paula quickly
turned around to see the man standing in her bedroom

"What the hell are you doing in here and who are you,"
Paula screamed.

Les thought carefully and decided he had to have this

"I am a friend of John's but he won't be here for a
while so why do you and I have some fun?" Les replied.

"What are you saying, get out of here!," Paula yelled at
the man. She was frightened now. The man was huge and
could easily over-power her. Paula tried to put on her
best stern face as she ordered Les to leave.

"I don't think so, you look fine in that red dress," Les
commented and pushed the bedroom door closed and started
walking toward Paula.

Paula continued to yell at the man to get out of her
house. She threatened that John would be home soon but
the large man continued to come toward her. When Paula
realized he was not going to stop, she tried to run past

Les reached out with his meaty hands and grabbed at
handful of Paula's long, shoulder length, blonde hair
and jerked her into his arms. Paula started to scream
with Les clamped his large hand over her nose and mouth.
Paula struggled and tried to break free but Les was too
strong for her. In addition, the way his hand was over
her nose and mouth, Paula could not breathe. Finally she
stopped struggling.

"I'm not going to hurt you if you do as I say," Les
instructed, "I just want to sample that pretty ass of

With those words, Paula tensed as she felt fingers
creeping up the inside of her thighs pushing the hem of
her sundress upward.

"Do you understand? Nod your head and I will take my
hand away," Les ordered.

Paula looked down and her sundress was pushed up to the
top of her thigh and Les' hand was between her legs just
inches from her privates. Paula was terrified and nodded
she would cooperate. Les released his hand and spun
Paula around onto the bed in a sitting position.

"What are you going to do?" Paula asked hesitantly.

"I'm not going to do anything, you're going to do it,
strip out of that dress and do it slowly or else." Les

Inside Les was trying not to laugh at the frightened
woman. He was not going to harm her at all. After all,
Paula was John's wife. He just wanted to scare her into
allowing him to fuck her. Les pulled the chair from
Paula's dressing table over in front of Paula and sat
down, waiting for the show.

Paula could not believe what was happening. She begged
Les and reminded him that John would be home any minute.
Les was growing inpatient at the stalling and stood up
and started toward Paula.

"Okay, okay," Paula muttered afraid that Les would hurt
her or worse she reached for the hem of her dress. "Why
do you want to see a 35 year old mother naked?" Paula
asked as she pulled the dress over her head and threw it
onto the floor.

"I don't just want to see you naked," Les told her, "now
take off the rest."

Paula turned around and bit her lower lip trying to
fight back the tears. No one except John ever saw her
naked and now this stranger was going to force her to
strip herself. Paula tried to decide which she would be
less embarrassed to expose first and decided on her
panties. She hooked her thumbs into the waistband with
her back still to Les. Slowly, Paula pulled her panties
down bending at the waist as she pushed them to her

"What an ass, not bad for a Mother of two," Les
commented, "leave the panties around your ankles and get
out of that bra."

Paula reached behind herself and unclasped the new bra
and let it fall to the floor. Instinctively Paula
covered her breasts with her hands even though she still
was turned with her back to Les.

"Turn around, I can't see anything," Les ordered.

Paula started to step out of her panties and Les shouted
for her to leave them around her ankles. Slowly, Paula
started to turn around, hands still hiding her 34C
breasts flat against her chest.

Finally, Paula was facing Les. She could see the bulge
behind his zipper where he was sitting in the chair.
Thoughts of being raped raced through Paula's mind. No
one but John ever had sex with her. As she stared at
Les' crotch Paula realized that he was not only a big
man, but also his cock was much larger that John's six
inches. Les took note of where Paula was staring and
inside knew she was curious.

"Your cunt is too hairy, we'll have to shave it later,"
Les said, "now lower your fuckin' hands and let me see
your tits."

Paula was appalled. No one talked to her like she was
common. The vulgar words stung her ears and she shook
her head "no."

"No, this is as far as I go," Paula yelled trying to act

Les got up from the chair and walked directly up to
Paula, grabbed her arms at the wrist and jerked them
down to her side exposing her breasts. Paula tried to
free herself, but Les was too strong.

"If you disobey me again, I'll have to punish you," Les
told her and stepped away releasing Paula.

Paula immediately put her hands back over her breasts
and started to run toward the door. She forgot about the
panties bunched around her ankles. Paula never got more
than two steps before she fell flat onto her front side.
Before she could get to her feet, Les grabbed a handful
of her hair and pulled Paula to her feet. Paula took
hold of his hand and screamed as he threw her across the
bed. Before Paula could recover, Les yanked his belt off
and brought it down hard across Paula's ass.

"Owwww," Paula yelled and put her hands over her ass.

Les rained down five consecutive blows across Paula's
lower back, the backs of her thighs, and her ass. Paula
was soon begged Les to stop.

"Now, get up on your knees and spread your legs if you
don't want more," Les yelled short of breathe from the
whipping he delivered.

Paula was sobbing as she got on her hands and knees on
the bed. She tried to spread her legs, but the damn
panties prevented her from getting them to far apart.
She started to remove them again, but Les ordered Paula
to leave them. Paula looked over at the mirror on the
wall she used earlier to see how she looked in the new
sundress and couldn't pull her eyes from the sight.

Paula saw herself on her hands and knees, red panties
wadded around her ankles, her breasts hanging down from
her body and red welts across her ass. In the mirror
Paula could see Les removing his pants and underwear.
Paula saw his tool spring straight out. She knew now he
intended to rape her. As she saw his erect cock Paula
realized it was twice as big as John's and her
humiliation turned to fear and she felt Les' hand on her

"What are you doing? Paula pleaded as Les pushed her
head down into the bed along with her shoulders.

"You're going to help me," Les informed Paula. "Reach
back and pull your ass cheeks apart for me to fuck you."

Paula pleaded and begged for Les to stop, not to go
through with it. She felt the weight on the bed and
increased her pleading. Paula let out a scream with she
felt the tongue between her cunt lips.

"Please don't, stop, please," Paula pleaded as she tried
to reach back and push his head away.

Les stuck his tongue between Paula's cunt lips and
started to taste her sweetness. He ran his tongue up and
down her dry hole trying to bring the moisture. Paula's
pleads were softening as Les found her clit and started
swirling his tongue around it. Les felt a sense of
satisfaction as he felt the nub growing larger in
response to the stimulation.

Paula buried her face into the pillow. As she felt the
moisture grow in her cunt, Paula could not believe her
body was betraying her. Paula felt the bed moving again
and then fingers grabbing her cunt lips and pulling them
wide apart. Then Les stuck his tongue deep inside her

Les was tongue fucking her while alternating licking her
clit. Her respirations increased along with her heart
rate. She felt her body responding and was sickened by
the thought of someone else fucking her besides John.
She started to beg Les to stop again is she felt her
juices flowing freely now down the inside of her thighs.

"I think you're ready now," Les observed.

The tongue fucking stopped and Paula breathed a sign of
relief. She could not believe she almost experienced an
orgasm. Paula reminded herself that Les was raping her.
Suddenly she heard a loud "whack" and felt the pain in
her ass.

"Now, reach back and pull your ass cheeks apart like I
said," Les ordered, "or I'll use the belt again."

Paula started sobbing again and as if a robot reached
behind herself and took her buttocks in each hand and
pulled them in opposite directions. Paula sucked in
quickly as she felt the cool air hit her exposed cunt
and ass. She braced herself when she felt the head of
Les' cock at her vaginal opening.

Without warning or concerned for her, Les drove his cock
into Paula's cunt until his balls slapped against her.
Paula yelped and released her ass closing her cunt
around the huge rod. She grabbed the pillow with her
hands and squeezed with all her might trying not to
scream out. Paula's cunt felt like it was splitting open
as she tried to accommodate the oversized dick.

Les waited. The warm, wet walls of Paula's cunt felt so
good wrapped around his dick.

"This is better than I thought," Les mused to himself
and slowly pulled almost his entire dick out of Paula's
cunt before slamming it back in.

Les started to quicken his pace. Ramming his cock in and
out of Paula's cunt with a fury. The tongue fucking he
had given her left Paula's cunt slick with her own
juices. Paula grunted with the weight of Les' body
slamming into her. Her knuckles were white where she
grasped the pillow so tightly.

Paula tried to shut out the sound of Les grunting and
the slurping, wet sounds of his cock now easily sliding
in and out of her widened cunt. Les slowed the pace a
little, pulling his cock almost all the way out and then
slowly sliding it all the back in. He reached around
underneath Paula with his free hand and found Paula now
rock-hard clit. Les took Paula's clit between his thumb
and forefinger and slowly rolled it around and around.

Paula felt the sparks course through her body when Les
started massaging her clit. The discomfort in her cunt
was giving away to pleasure and the constant attention
to her clit was more than Paula could bear. As she
approached orgasm Paula kept telling herself that she
was being raped and she could have an orgasm.

"This is RAPE!" Paula screamed as the orgasm shot
through her body causing her to rock her hips back to
meet Les' thrust.

Les felt Paula's cunt walls tighten against his rod and
purposely quickened his pace while he pinched hard on
her clit. Paula threw her head up and moaned, eyes
closed as the orgasm crescendo over and over again. She
thought she was going to explode or go insane if Les did
not stop.

"Please, please, I can't stand it, please stop," Paula

Les was waiting for that request. He quickly removed his
cock from Paula's cunt and she collapsed onto the bed.

John arrived home late and wondered where Les was at. He
thought he would be waiting for him. As John entered the
living room he heard Paula moaning upstairs. John knew
Paula did not masturbate, but it sure sounded as if she
was having sex. John slowly walked upstairs and could
hear the obvious sound of two people fucking coming from
their bedroom.

John stood outside the door and slowly pushed it open,
just a crack. He looked in fascination at his wife lying
on the bed, body twitching, and Les kneeling between her
legs. John saw the red panties around Paula's ankles and
the sundress and bra on the floor. He started to enter
the room and demand an explanation when Les took Paula's
hips and pulled her upward so that Paula's ass stuck
high in the air.

John waited and watched fascinated as Les inserted three
fingers into Paula's cunt. Paula moaned but offered no
resistance. John felt his cock jump to life at the site
of his wife splayed lewdly across the bed with Les' cock
pointing straight at her ass. Finally John heard Paula

"No more, please, no more," Paula said weakly.

Les smeared her juices into her ass. Paula was spent
from her orgasm and she never even considered what Les
was preparing her for. Les lined his cock up at the
entrance to Paula's tight asshole. He placed his hands
on her hips to hold her in place and started pushing.

Paula jumped and twisted trying to escape the sudden
pain she felt in her ass. When she realized what Les was
doing, Paula started to protest loudly. Watching from
the door, John now knew that Paula was not a willing
participant. He would have stopped Les, but his cock was
hard and he wanted to fuck her himself so he waited.

Les pushed his hips forward trying to force his cock
passed the tight ring of Paula's asshole. He held Paula
tightly and thrust forward and about one inch slipped
into her ass. Now Paula started to twist and fight more
than she ever had before.

"No, you're hurting me, you're to big, not there,
please," Paula pleaded and tried to twist away.

Les and Paula jerked their heads toward the door
simultaneously as John came into the room.

"Please help me, please," Paula pleaded with John.

"Hey, John, she wanted it," Les tried to explain, not
removing the one inch of cock from her ass.

"Save it," John said to Les, "I'll help you."

"What?" Paula screamed as John removed his pants and
underwear and got at the head of their bed.

John took a handful of Paula's hair and yanked her head
back. Paula's scream was cut short as John shoved his
cock into her mouth and down her throat. Paula had never
deep-throated John and tried to push him away from her
head. Just then, Les, with a wide grin, shoved two more
inches into Paula's ass. Paula stopped fighting John and
turned her attention back to Les.

Paula tried to get her hands around her ass and push Les
away. The pain was incredible, worse than in her cunt.
Paula was trying to concentrate on breathing with John's
dick in her mouth and deal with the searing pain in her
ass. Just when Paula thought she could not take anymore,
John reached under her chest and seized her tits in his
hands and started squeezing. Les waited, felt Paula
relax her ass in response to John's attention, and he
shoved hard driving the reminder of his dick into her

Paula's asshole looked like a thin rubber band
encircling Les' cock. Les looked at John who was
smiling. Les nodded and he and John started a rhythm.
John pulled his cock slightly out of Paula's mouth and
when he pushed it back in Les pulled partially out of
her ass. While John fucked Paula's mouth, his hands
milked at her tits, pulling them downward and then
pinching her nipples. Les ran his hand back under Paula
and resumed his attention to her clit.

Paula was being assaulted in so many ways she could keep
track. She was confused at John's behavior and yet, she
was strangely excited at the thought of being fucked by
two men. As Les fucked her ass, Paula tried to relax.

Paula decided that if she could get both men to cum, her
ordeal would be over. She knew John would not cum in her
mouth so she started to use her tongue to tease and
tantalize his cock as he face-fucked her. Between those
actions, Paula squeezed her asshole together tightening
her colon around Les' cock. John and Les quickened their
pace in response to Paula seemingly willing

While Paula concentrated on the two men, the attention
to her breasts and clit was having the desired affect.
Never in her life had Paula experienced two orgasms, so
she was shocked that she felt the tinges beginning.

Paula started rocking her hips backwards as the pain in
her ass turned to a weird, dirty pleasure. Paula
continued to lap at John's cock and felt it growing. She
knew he was going to pull it out any minute. But
instead, John pulled her head into his groin and Paula
felt the first squirt of cum hit the back of her throat.
She tried to pull her head away while spitting out the
salty fluid, but without success as another blob hit her
throat again.

"Swallow it!" John yelled and held her tightly against

Paula held the cum in her mouth refusing the swallow.
Suddenly, she felt Les' dick growing in her ass. Les
quickened his pace, tensed, and Paula felt the warmth of
his seed bathing the walls of her colon. As Les pumped
his cock dry in her ass he continued to massage her

John held her head tightly against her groin and with
one hand started to pinch her nipples again. Paula
gulped and swallowed John's cum just as she burst with a
second orgasm. Paula was now lost in pleasure and forgot
about Les and John was she sucked hard on John's limp
dick still in her mouth and fucked backwards onto Les'
shrinking dick.

Both men pulled free from Paula and her orgasm
continued. Paula laid on the bed moaning as the sparks
of her orgasm traveled through every cell of her body.
Les pulled on his pants and apologized to John. John
told him he always wanted Paula to do something like
that but never thought she would. John was glad Les
forced Paula to submit. The two men shook hands and
started out of the room.

Paula's orgasm was just subsiding as the two men walked
out of the bedroom. They left her with a nice afterglow
from two massive orgasms. She was covered in sweat,
lying on her stomach, on the bed with a pair of red
panties around her ankles. John glanced back and could
see the cum leaking out of his wife's ass and down onto
the bed. He smiled at Paula knowing that things for them
would never be the same. Paula watched the two men leave
and she knew she was glad Les found her alone at home.